LTI 1.3 Best Practices
In this article
Assignment points in the LMS need to be greater than 0
Due to the restriction of LTI 1.3, the assignment points set in the LMS must be greater than 0 to enable the grade sync. If the assignment is set to 0 points in the LMS, it will cause grade sync errors, and the grades will not pass back to the LMS from PlayPosit.
If the instructor does not want learners to receive points for the assignment, please assign the content using the non-graded workflow. Please select your LMS from this list to learn more about the non-graded workflow.
Ensure the user only has one role set in the LMS
PlayPosit allows dual states for our users, meaning users can access courses with the instructor OR the learner role with the same account but can not have both roles in the same course simultaneously. The role set in the LMS course will determine whether the user will access the course as an instructor or a learner. Please ensure the user only has one role in the course so that PlayPosit can acquire the correct information and log the user into the correct account type.