Learner Experience for Broadcast without an LMS
- This article only applies to learners who are part of an institutional partnership with PlayPosit.
In this article
Learn how to get the most out of your PlayPosit experience!
PlayPosit is an interactive video platform. Your instructor will assign bulbs (interactive video lessons), for you to watch during a live broadcast in person or virtually. These directions will explain how to access the bulb and complete it.
It is recommended that you use the latest Chrome web browser to access PlayPosit. Click here to download it if you do not already have Chrome.
Accessing a bulb
Your instructors will provide you with either a code or a unique URL to join a broadcast session.
Join with a code
The instructor will provide a code to join the Broadcast session. Log into your PlayPosit account at www.playposit.org/login.
- Once logged in, select Join Broadcast at the top of the Dashboard.
- Paste the code provided by the instructor.
- Wait for the instructor to start the Broadcast session.
Join with URL
The instructor will provide a URL to open up the Broadcast session. Once the link is clicked, you may be prompted to log in. Use your PlayPosit credentials to log in. If you are not prompted to log in, you will be required to either enter your name or you will be completing the Bulb anonymously and your grade will not be saved.
Once the Broadcast session is open, wait for the instructor to provide directions.
Join with a QR code
The instructor will display a QR code or send out a QR code to open up the Broadcast session. The QR code can be scanned with the camera app on a cell phone. Once the QR code is accepted, a link will pop up that will direct you to the Broadcast session in a browser on the phone. you may be prompted to log in. Use your PlayPosit credentials to log in. If you are not prompted to log in, you will be required to either enter your name or you will be completing the Bulb anonymously and your grade will not be saved.
The video will pause once an interaction pops up on the screen. To complete the interaction, answer the question and click Submit and continue.
You should see a toast in the upper right-hand corner of the screen telling you if your answer was submitted successfully. If the interaction allows it, you may also see highlighting and/or feedback on your selected answer choices.
If an interaction covers up an important part of the screen, you can hide the question by clicking the 'x' in the top left corner of the interaction. If you want to make the interaction larger, however, click the arrow in the top right corner of the interaction.
Completing a bulb
Note: Your bulb will not be marked complete unless the instructor plays the Bulb until the end.
View report
Once you complete the bulb, you can view the report that includes your responses to all interactions. To access this, click View Report on the sidebar. This will open up a new tab with your bulb report that can either be printed out or saved as a PDF.
In general, if you're having issues on one browser, we recommend that you either update it or switch to another browser. PlayPosit 3.0 generally works best on Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge. PlayPosit is not supported in Internet Explorer.
My bulb won't play
Please refer to this help article for recommendations on getting your bulb to play.
I closed the browser window
You are able to pick back up wherever you left off. Click on the URL provided to you by your instructor or log back into PlayPosit and enter the code again to re-join the broadcast session.
I want to watch my bulb again
As long as your bulb is still available to you in your Student Dashboard, you can click on the assignment to rewatch the bulb without re-answering interactions.
I can't retry the bulb
You can only retry your bulb if your instructor has this setting enabled. You can go back and access your assignment to watch the video again and view your responses as long as the assignment is still available in your LMS.