Monitoring a Playlist

  • This feature is only available for select institutional clients. If interested in this feature, reach out to the Account Manager or

In this article

A comprehensive guide on PlayPosit Playlist gradebook functionalities and features. 

  1. Accessing playlist gradebook through Playlists
  2. Accessing playlist gradebook through Classes
  3. Accessing playlist gradebook through LMS
  4. Filter Learners' data with completion status
  5. Export playlist data
  6. View learner notes
    1. From PlayPosit
    2. From an LMS
  7. Individual learners
    1. Export certificate
  8. Individual Bulbs
  9. Monitoring Bulbs
  10. FAQ
    1. Why are some learners’ grades not syncing to the LMS even if their status on the monitor page is completed?
    2. Why are there discrepancies between the grades in the LMS’s grade book and the monitor page?
    3. What will happen if learners retake Bulbs in the playlist after they complete the playlist?

The PlayPosit Playlist gradebook provides instructors with a Playlist-specific view of learner engagement. Instructors are able to view the overall completion of individual Bulbs within the Playlist as well as learner performance on specific Bulbs.

Accessing playlist gradebook through Playlists

  1. To access the Playlist gradebook, click Playlists in the Sidebar menu. 

  2. Click the Playlist icon. 

  3. Click Monitor.

  4. Click Monitor again. 

From this view, instructors are able to view the following information: 

  • Learner Name - As it is listed in the learner’s account or as it was entered at the time that the Playlist was accessed. 
    • In an instance where login or name were not required, the instructor will see the name as Anonymous User. 
    • In an instance where a name was required but none was entered, the instructor will see FirstName LastName.
  • Playlist Score - Score the learner received on the entire Playlist as calculated by the total number of points earned on all Bulbs within the Playlist divided by all available points.
  • Time Spent - Total time to date the learner has spent on the Playlist.
  • Status - Playlist completion status can show Not Started, In Progress or Complete.
  • Show Points/Show Percent - Toggles between a view that shows how many of the total available points a learner received or a percentage of the same information. 

Access playlist gradebook through Classes

  1. To access the Playlist gradebook, click on Classes in the Sidebar menu.

  2. Click on the gradebook icon in the Classes tab.

  3. In the gradebook, click the All Bulbs dropdown menu

  4. Click the name of the Playlist to access the gradebook for the specific playlist.

    From this view, instructors are able to view the following information: 

    • Learner Name - As it is listed in the learner’s account or as it was entered at the time that the Playlist was accessed. 
      • In an instance where login or name were not required, the instructor will see the name as Anonymous User. 
      • In an instance where a name was required but none was entered, the instructor will see FirstName LastName.
    • Playlist Score - Score the learner received on the entire Playlist as calculated by the total number of points earned on all Bulbs within the Playlist divided by all available points.
    • Time Spent - Total time to date the learner has spent on the Playlist.
    • Status - Playlist completion status can show Not Started, In Progress or Complete.
    • Show Points/Show Percent - Toggles between a view that shows how many of the total available points a learner received or a percentage of the same information.

Accessing playlist gradebook through LMS

If monitoring a playlist that has been linked in a Learning Management System (LMS), click Monitor to access the gradebook view. 

Click here to learn more about accessing PlayPosit and PlayPosit Playlists via an LMS

Filter Learners' data with completion status

Instructors can filter learners' data based on their completion status. Please follow the steps below to apply filters to the monitor page.

  1. Click Filter on the top to open the filter tool.

  2. Use the drop-down menu to select the completion status to view.

  3. Click Filter to apply the selected filter.

  4. To reset the filter, please click the "X" next to the applied filter on the top.

Export playlist data

Instructors can use the Data Export icon on the top right of the playlist monitor page to export playlist data into a CSV file.

The following information can be found in the exported CSV file.

  • Learner name
  • Learner email
  • Status
  • Overall score: The average score learner got from each Bulb in the playlist.
  • Timezone
  • Started playlist time
  • Total time spent
  • Completion time
  • Bulb name: each Bulb will have a unique column
  • Status: Completion status for the bulb
  • Score: points earned from the bulb
  • Started Bulb time
  • Time spent on Bulb
  • Completion time

NOTES: If the items or Bulbs are removed from the playlist, they will not be shown on the monitor page but will be shown in the data export with the "*" mark next to them.

Individual learners

The following steps explain how to view individual learner attempts on a Playlist.

  1. In the Playlist gradebook, click on the learner's name

  2. Click View Learner Attempt.

  3. The instructor will see the learner's attempt on different Bulbs within the Playlist.

Note: If a learner has not opened a specific Bulb in the Playlist, it will not be displayed among the learner's attempts.
Export certificate

If a certificate has been enabled for the Playlist and the learner has completed the Playlist, the instructor can export the learner's certificate.

From the Gradebook view, select the learner's name and choose Print Learner Certificate. A PDF will be generated, and the certificate can be downloaded or printed. 

View learner notes

View learner notes on individual Bulbs within a Playlist.

From PlayPosit:

Select Classes from the left sidebar menu. 

Select the class where the Playlist is assigned. 

Click Manage Playlist.

Select the title of the Playlist from the drop-down menu. 

Toggle on Preview Mode

Select any Bulb from the Playlist. Click Play, then select menu

Click the  Notes tab and filter All learners or individual learners. From an LMS:

Select the Playlist that is linked in the learning management system and click Preview

Select any Bulb from the Playlist. Click Play, then select menu

Click the  Notes tab and filter All learners or individual learners.

Individual Bulbs

The following steps explain how to view the attempts of all learners on a particular Bulb in the Playlist. 

  1. In the Playlist gradebook, click on the Bulb title to access the individual bulb monitoring page. 

  2. The instructor will see the attempts of all learners on that particular Bulb. 

Monitoring Bulbs

The PlayPosit gradebook gives instructors the ability to manually grade interactions, reset learner bulb attempts, and see advanced analytics for overall learner engagement. Click here to learn more about monitoring PlayPosit Bulbs


Why are some learners’ grades not syncing to the LMS even if their status on the monitor page is completed?

The learner’s status will be marked as completed on the monitor page when they complete all the bulbs in the playlist, but the grade will only sync to the LMS after completing all the items (bulbs and other items) in the playlist. So if a learner has completed all the bulbs but left some items incomplete in the playlist, the learner’s grade will not sync to the LMS. Please inform the learners to complete  all items in the playlist to ensure their grades will sync to the LMS.

NOTES: To mark the item as completed, learners need to meet the following requirement:
  • PDF: reach the last page of the PDF.
  • Image, text, and web embed item: stay on the item for at least one second.
  • Attachment file: download the file.

When learners meet the requirement, there will be a popup message on the top right to inform them the item is completed.

Why are there discrepancies between the grades in the LMS’s grade book and the monitor page?

PlayPosit will automatically sync learners’ grades to the LMS grade book when they complete the bulb for the first time. If the bulbs in the playlist allow learners to retake, and learners retake the bulbs, the updated grades will reflect on the monitor page but won’t be synced to the LMS automatically.

If instructors find discrepancies between the LMS grade book and the monitor page, please click on the Sync Grades button on the monitor page to send the updated grades to the LMS

What will happen if learners retake Bulbs in the playlist after they complete the playlist?

When learners retake Bulbs in the playlist after they complete the playlist, their attempts for those Bulbs will be cleared, and the playlist status will switch back to In Progress. Once they complete those Bulbs again, the playlist will be marked as Complete again, and the updated grade will be synced to the grade book. If a certificate is enabled in the playlist, the download button for the certificate will also be disabled until learners complete those Bulbs again.

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