Advanced settings for interactions

In this article

  1. How to configure the advanced settings for interactions
  2. Save settings as default for interactions
  3. Multiple choice
  4. Multiple choice answers highlighting use cases
  5. Check all
  6. Check all answers highlighting use cases
  7. Free response
  8. Fill in the blank
  9. Poll
  10. Discussion
  11. Pause
  12. Web embed
  13. PDF file

How to configure the advanced settings for interactions?

After creating the interaction, click on Advanced to expand the advanced settings. Each type of interaction will have different advanced settings. Please see more detailed information below.

Save settings as default for interactions

Instructors can change the default value of some advanced settings for the interactions they build in the future. Please follow the steps below to configure the default advanced settings.

  1. Click on the  instructor’s name on top of the sidebar menu, select user settings, and scroll down to the interaction defaults section.

  2. Select an interaction with the dropdown menu, and adjust the default settings. After finishing the settings, please click on the interaction type to select another interaction to adjust.

  3. After adjusting all the settings, click on Save to save the changes. Please note that the change will only take effect on the interactions created after the change and will not affect the existing interactions.

Multiple choice

  • Interaction is required: Learners must complete this interaction to move forward.
  • Interaction pauses video playback: Video will be paused when learners reach this interaction. 
    • If the interaction is required, video playback will resume after learners submit their responses.
    • if the interaction is not required, video playback will resume either when learners submit their responses or when they click on the play button.
  • Learners can rewind after reaching this interaction: Learners will be able to rewind the video playback after they reach this interaction.
  • Randomize answer order: Answer options will be in a random order for different learners. If the instructor allows learners to retake the bulb, the answer option will also be in random order for each attempt.
  • Allow more than one attempt:  Learners can retry the interaction after they submit their responses. Instructors can use the slide bar to set how many times learners can retry this interaction. There will be two suboptions when this setting is on:
    • Only show feedback on last attempt: learners can see whether they answer this question correctly but will only see the feedback on the last attempt.
    • Only show answers highlighting on last attempt: If this option is also toggled on, learners will not see whether they answer the question correctly until the last attempt.
    • Prevent bulb progression until interaction completion: Learners can only move forward in the Bulb when they answer this interaction correctly or use up all the attempts.
  • Hide correct answer if not selected: Learners will only be notified with the correct answer highlighting if they selected the correct answer.  When selecting an incorrect answer, the correct answer will not be revealed.

    There are also two suboptions under this setting:

    • Never show answer highlighting: Learners will not see whether their answer is correct or incorrect.
    • Only show correct answer on last attempt: If this interaction allows multiple attempts, learners will see the correct answer highlighted after they submit their final attempt.

Multiple choice answers highlighting use cases

  • Only show learners whether the option they select is correct, but don’t show them the correct answer if they didn’t select it.

  • I don’t want learners to see whether they answer correctly.

  • I want to let learners retry the interaction and only see the correct answer at the last attempt.

  • I want to let learners retry the interaction but don’t show them the correct answer if they didn’t select it.

  • I want to let learners retry the interaction but don’t let them know whether they answer correctly.

Check all

  • Interaction is required: Learners must complete this interaction to move forward.
  • Interaction pauses video playback: Video will be paused when learners reach this interaction. 
    • If the interaction is required, video playback will resume after learners submit their responses.
    • if the interaction is not required, video playback will resume either when learners submit their responses or when they click on the play button.
  • Learners can rewind after reaching this interaction: Learners will be able to rewind the video playback after they reach this interaction.
  • Randomize answer order: Answer options will be in a random order for different learners. If the instructor allows learners to retake the bulb, the answer option will also be in random order for each attempt.
  • Learners see feedback for unselected correct answers: Learners will see feedback from all the correct answer options, whether selected or not. 
  • Allow more than one attempt: Learners can retry the interaction after they submit their responses. Instructors can use the slide bar to set how many times learners can retry this interaction. There will be a suboption when this setting is on:
    • Only show feedback on last attempt: learners can see whether they answer this question correctly but will only see the feedback on the last attempt.

    • Prevent bulb progression until interaction completion: Learners can only move forward in the Bulb when they answer this interaction correctly or use up all the attempts.

  • Only show answer highlighting on last attempt: learners will not see whether they answer the question correctly until the last attempt.
  • Only show correct answer on the last attempt: Learners will see whether the answer options they select are correct but will not see all the correct answers until the last attempt.
  • Jump if the user answers this question correctly: Jump the learner to a selected timestamp in the bulb if they answer this interaction correctly. The instructor will need to enable the “allow learners to skip interactions” and “allow viewers to fast forward” options in the playback options under the review tab to make the jump work. Please see more information about the jump and branched learning in this article.
  • Jump if the user answers this question incorrectly: Jump the learner to a selected timestamp in the bulb if they answer this interaction incorrectly. The instructor will need to enable the “allow learners to skip interactions” and “allow viewers to fast forward” options in the playback options under the review tab to make the jump work. Please see more information about the jump and branched learning in this article.

Check all answers highlighting use cases

  • I don’t want learners to see whether they answer correctly.

  • I want to let learners retry the interaction and only see the correct answers at the last attempt.

  • I want to let learners retry the interaction but don’t let them know whether they answer correctly.

Free response

  • Interaction is required: Learners must complete this interaction to move forward.
  • Interaction pauses video playback: Video will be paused when learners reach this interaction. 
    • If the interaction is required, video playback will resume after learners submit their responses.
    • if the interaction is not required, video playback will resume either when learners submit their responses or when they click on the play button.
  • Learners can rewind after reaching this interaction: Learners will be able to rewind the video playback after they reach this interaction.
  • Allow more than one attempt: Learners can retry the interaction after they submit their responses. Instructors can use the slide bar to set how many times learners can retry this interaction.
  • Autograde learner response: Automatically provide points upon learners turn in their submissions.
  • Learners can upload videos when answering this interaction: When learners respond to this interaction, they can upload the video through the rich text editor as their responses. Please note that the video uploaded by learners will also count as the HLS usage in your license. 
  • Learners can upload attachments when answering this interaction: learners can upload files with the rich text editor as their responses to this interaction.
NOTES: When previewing the bulb in preview mode, instructors will not be able to upload videos, and the upload attachments icon will not show on the rich text editor because PlayPosit won’t save any data in the preview mode. Learners will be able to upload videos or attachments once this bulb is assigned to them.

Fill in the blank

  • Interaction is required: Learners must complete this interaction to move forward.
  • Interaction pauses video playback: Video will be paused when learners reach this interaction. 
    • If the interaction is required, video playback will resume after learners submit their responses.
    • if the interaction is not required, video playback will resume either when learners submit their responses or when they click on the play button.
  • Learners can rewind after reaching this interaction: Learners will be able to rewind the video playback after they reach this interaction.
  • Allow more than one attempt: Learners can use the Retry button to resubmit new answers for this interaction. Instructors can use the slider to determine the number of attempts learners are allowed to make. If feedback is provided for the answers, learners will see it when they use all their attempts or answer the interaction correctly.

    • Prevent bulb progression until interaction completion: Learners can only move forward in the Bulb when they answer this interaction correctly or use up all the attempts.
  • Only show answer highlighting on last attempt: Learners will not know if their answers are correct until they have used all their attempts or answered the interaction correctly.
    • Never show answer highlighting: This interaction will not reveal whether the learner answered correctly. After responding to the question, learners can click Continue to proceed without being informed if their answer was correct.
  • Learners can earn partial credit: If there is more than one blank in the question, learners can earn partial credit by answering some of the blanks correctly.
  • Jump if the user answers this question correctly: Jump the learner to a selected timestamp in the bulb if they answer this interaction correctly. The instructor will need to enable the “allow learners to skip interactions” and “allow viewers to fast forward” options in the playback options under the review tab to make the jump work. Please see more information about the jump and branched learning in this article.
  • Jump if the user answers this question incorrectly: Jump the learner to a selected timestamp in the bulb if they answer this interaction incorrectly. The instructor will need to enable the “allow learners to skip interactions” and “allow viewers to fast forward” options in the playback options under the review tab to make the jump work. Please see more information about the jump and branched learning in this article.


  • Interaction is required: Learners must complete this interaction to move forward.
  • Interaction pauses video playback: Video will be paused when learners reach this interaction. 
    • If the interaction is required, video playback will resume after learners submit their responses.
    • if the interaction is not required, video playback will resume either when learners submit their responses or when they click on the play button.
  • Learners can rewind after reaching this interaction: Learners will be able to rewind the video playback after they reach this interaction.
  • Randomize answer order: Answer options will be in a random order for different learners. If the instructor allows learners to retake the bulb, the answer option will also be in random order for each attempt.
  • Allow more than one attempt: Learners can retry the interaction after they submit their responses. Instructors can use the slide bar to set how many times learners can retry this interaction.
  • Learners can select multiple answers: Learners can pick more than one answer option in the poll.


  • Interaction is required: Learners must complete this interaction to move forward.
  • Interaction pauses video playback: Video will be paused when learners reach this interaction. 
    • If the interaction is required, video playback will resume after learners submit their responses.
    • if the interaction is not required, video playback will resume either when learners submit their responses or when they click on the play button.
  • Learners can rewind after reaching this interaction: Learners will be able to rewind the video playback after they reach this interaction.
  • Learners automatically earn full points on submission of comments: If there are points set to this discussion interaction, learners will automatically earn full points when they submit their comments. Instructors can edit the points on the monitor page. Please see this article for more information about adjusting learners' grades with the monitor page.
  • Hide discussion posts until learner contributes: Learners will not see their peers’ comments until they post their comments.
  • Learners can upload videos when answering this interaction: When learners respond to this interaction, they can upload the video through the rich text editor as their responses. Please note that the video uploaded by learners will also count as the HLS usage in your license. 


  • Interaction is required: Learners must complete this interaction to move forward.
  • Interaction pauses video playback: Video will be paused when learners reach this interaction. Please click on the continue button to resume playback.
  • Learners can rewind after reaching this interaction: Learners will be able to rewind the video playback after they reach this interaction.

Web embed

  • Interaction is required: Learners must complete this interaction to move forward.
  • Interaction pauses video playback: Video will be paused when learners reach this interaction. Please click on the play button to resume playback.
  • Learners can rewind after reaching this interaction: Learners will be able to rewind the video playback after they reach this interaction.

PDF file

  • Interaction is required: Learners must complete this interaction to move forward.
  • Interaction pauses video playback: Video will be paused when learners reach this interaction. Please click on the play button to resume playback.
  • Learners can rewind after reaching this interaction: Learners will be able to rewind the video playback after they reach this interaction.

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