Broadcast with an LMS in 3.0
- This article only applies to paid users who access PlayPosit through a Learning Management System. For instructors who navigate directly to the PlayPosit website, see this article instead.
- Broadcast sessions can now push grades automatically to your LMS grade book!
- Below is a video overview of how to Broadcast with an LMS.
In this article
Learn how to broadcast a Bulb with an LMS
Broadcast: Class Response System
Easily replace your antiquated Clickers with PlayPosit's Broadcast functionality! Project video and audio from a screen at the front of the room, and prompt learners with questions on their individual devices. This allows you to:
- Control the pacing
- Interject with additions
- Foster live discussion
- Poll learner results from virtually any device
- Get group feedback for Professional Learning
Create a Broadcast Assignment
- Create a PlayPosit Bulb. Click here for more information about creating bulbs in 3.0.
- Create an assignment in your LMS and set a link to the PlayPosit bulb. Click here for more information on setting a Bulb link in a specific LMS.
- Link to the appropriate Bulb as a Broadcast session.
- Save and Publish the assignment in the LMS.
Start or Resume a Broadcast Bulb
Broadcast any Bulb to deliver content synchronously. If the same Bulb is presented in multiple sessions, the lesson will need to resumed after the initial presentation.
Start the lesson
- Log in to the LMS and open the assignment.
- Click on the Bulb Title to begin the session.
Click Broadcast to start the session. The Bulb will now open in a new tab.
Click Start in the sidebar to begin.
During the broadcast
Play the bulb from the instructor’s device. When the interaction appears, it will also display on the learners’ devices. Please follow the steps below to view learners’ responses in real-time.
- Click Show Responses to display the responses submitted by learners. The number indicates how many learners have responded to this interaction.
- (Optional) Instructors can also toggle on the Show names option to display learners’ names with their responses.
- There will also be a live graph for multiple choice, check all, and poll interaction to demonstrate learners’ responses. Click on Show Analytics to display the live graph.
- Click on the refresh button to refresh and show the latest data in real time.
- (Optional) Instructors can export the live graph by right-clicking the image to save or copy it.
Please watch the bulb to the end and see the completion screen before closing the tab to mark the bulb as complete for all learners.
- Broadcast is a synchronized experience, and the instructor controls the learning pace. Therefore, if the instructor moves forward before the learners complete the interaction, whether the interaction is required or not, the learners will move forward with the instructor and will not be able to submit their responses to the interaction. Also, the Bulb will be marked complete for the learners when the instructor reaches the last time stamp of the video instead of the learners completing the last interaction.
- The live graph is only available for some licenses, if you are interested in this feature, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager for more information.
After the broadcast
- In order for grades to be completed and synced to the LMS, the video must be played until the very end. As the instructor, you can scrub forward to the end since learners do not have control over playback.
- Please inform learners to keep the tab with the broadcast open until they see the completion screen and the notification that the grades are successfully exported to the gradebook.
Gain insights into the effectiveness of the lesson and learn which topics, questions, and learners to target for remediation.
- In the LMS, click on the Broadcast assignment to view data and open PlayPosit Setup.
- Click on Monitor to open the assignment's grade book to view learners' performance data or grade free responses.
Learners' Workflow
Once learners join the Broadcast session, they will see the video on your projected screen. As the Bulb progresses, questions will appear on their individual devices when the video pauses and will disappear when the instructor continues to play the video.
- Learners log in to their LMS accounts and open the assignment.
- They will receive a message telling them to wait for the instructor.
- As the Bulb begins, the learners' screens will remain blank. When the Bulb pauses for a question, it will pop up on both the learner's and instructor's screen.
Note: If a hot spot interaction is created in a bulb a student will view the interaction as a sidebar interaction during a Broadcast.
Instructor designer view:
Learner Broadcast view:
Allow Learners to View Report
After a Broadcast session is complete, learners can view their completed responses in a printable report. This option can be enabled before or after the broadcast session.
To learn how to enable this option, click here.
To view what learners will see after the Bulb is completed, click here