Scaffolded Independent Learning Experience with PlayPosit
In this article
How can PlayPosit help create an effective scaffolded independent learning experience?
Creating an effective asynchronous learning experience with video content will always face some challenges, like providing supplemental information to learners in a timely manner, monitoring learners' learning process, and providing real-time feedback based on their performance. While these could be barriers to creating compelling asynchronous learning experiences, instructors can overcome these challenges by strategically deploying the powerful PlayPosit features to their bulbs and making them the most appealing and effective learning experience for their learners.
Instructors can use the pause interaction to host the supplemental resources to provide supporting information to learners when they take the bulb. And the pause interaction can be customized to display in different locations on the screen or show the information without stopping the bulb playback. The customization ability can help instructors seamlessly bring the scaffolding materials to their bulbs without interrupting learners' learning experience.
The other great tool to create an effective learning experience is the interactive question PlayPosit provided. There are various types of questions instructors can pick from, and they can add pre-loaded feedback to each question. Learners will receive feedback based on their responses to the question, which not just gives them a chance to evaluate their learning outcome but provides them with tailored supplemental resources according to their performance.
If learners want to review the content in the bulb after completing it, they can always rewatch the bulb when the assignment is still available. But there is another convenient feature for learners to review the bulb - exportable worksheet. After learners complete the bulb, they can export a report from the completion page that contains all the information the instructor put in the interactions, all the questions in the bulb, and the learner's responses to them. This worksheet can help learners review their learning and become a handy tool for revisiting the bulb's critical information.
Sample Bulb
Scaffolded Independent Learning Experience
How to build a scaffolded independent learning bulb?
Learning objectives overlay
Instructors can configure a pause interaction at the beginning of the bulb to provide learners an overview of the bulb, learning objectives, and supplemental information to best prepare them for the upcoming bulb.
Please follow the steps below to create a learning objectives overlay.
- After importing the video segment, click on Add interaction at 00:00.
Select the Pause interaction.
Instructors can then type in the learning objectives or copy and paste their class plan to the pause interaction. Furthermore, there are some useful features that can help instructors format the information in this pause interaction to make it more appealing and accessible.
- Headers: To use headers with the pause interaction, please highlight the desired text, click on the triple dots icon, and select Formats. Then select Formats from the dropdown menu, Headers, and select the desired header.
- List: To create a list in the pause interaction, please click on the list icon on the rich text editor. There are two options for the list format, numbered list or bullet list.
- Table: To create a table, click on the triple dots icon on the rich text editor, select Table, and draw out the desired table size.
- Multimedia resources: Instructors can also upload images and files, record audio or video, and add emojis to the pause interaction using the rich text editor.
- To let this pause interaction overlay on the video, click on Placement on the top and click on the center of the video area to make it overlay the entire video.
If the instructor wants to use the dark mode, please click Advanced and toggle on the Dark mode option.
Key terms sidebar & note reminder overlay
When learners watch the bulb, instructors can utilize the sidebar to provide definitions or explanations of the key terms in the bulb to facilitate learners’ understanding. Also, by adding a reminder overlay, instructors can remind learners to take notes with PlayPosit’s built-in note pad.
Please follow the steps below to a key terms sidebar and note reminder overlay interaction.
- Add a pause interaction at the desired timestamp, and type in the supplemental information.
- To prevent interrupting learners’ learning process, instructors can make this interaction display without pausing the bulb playback. Please click on Advanced, and uncheck Interaction is required option and Interaction pauses video playback option.
- Click on Timing on the top, expand the Advanced settings, and enter the end time for this interaction to fade away.
After setting up the key terms sidebar interaction, instructors can then add the note reminder to the same group. The interactions in the same group will display to learners simultaneously.
- Click on Add interaction to group below the key terms interaction.
- Create another pause interaction with the reminder.
- Click on Advanced, and uncheck Interaction is required, and Interaction pauses video playback options.
- While the sidebar is occupied by the key terms interaction, please move the note reminder to overlay on the video. Click on the Placement tab on the top, and select the desired location to place this reminder. To make this reminder less distracting to learners, please click on Advanced and adjust the Opacity to make it slightly transparent.
Knowledge check questions sets
Besides adding a single question, instructors can add multiple questions to an interaction group, which will display to learners at the same time, and they will have to answer those questions in the order set by the instructor.
Please follow the steps below to create a knowledge check questions set.
- Add a pause interaction at the desired timeline to inform learners they are going to take a series of knowledge check questions.
- Click on Add interaction to group to start adding questions.
Instructions and tips for different question types:
- Multiple choice & Check all questions:
- Type in the question above, enter the answer options, and set the correct answer option.
- Instructors can add feedback to each answer option by clicking on the gear icon behind it and selecting Add feedback.
- Free response questions:
- Type in the question for learners in the input section.
- Instructors can provide pre-loaded feedback to learners by clicking on the gear icon and selecting Add feedback.
- The feedback will display to learners after they submit their responses.
- Fill in the blank questions:
- Type in the question, and click on Add input blank to insert the blank to the question.
- Enter the correct answer for this blank below. If there are multiple acceptable answers, please use the comma to separate them. The answer is not case sensitive but spelling sensitive.
- Instructors can add up to ten blanks to one fill in the blank interaction.
- Instructors can consider providing a word bank for learners when using the fill in the blank interaction. It can help novice learners answer the question and prevent them from making spelling errors.
Exportable worksheet
After learners complete the bulb, they can click the View my result button on the completion page to see their exportable worksheet.
Learners can find all the information in the interactions on the worksheet, like the learning objectives and key terms. They will also see all the questions and their responses in this bulb. To export or print the worksheet, please click on the printer icon in the lower right corner.
To enable the exportable worksheet for learners, please click on the Review tab on the top, expand the Playback options, and check the Allow learners to view their printable report option.
How do I monitor the results of this lesson?
Please follow the steps below to enter the monitor page of the bulb.
- Go to My Bulbs page, click on the thumbnail image of the desired bulb, and select Monitor.
Click on the Monitor button behind the desired class.
On the monitor page, instructors can view learners’ progress and their responses to each interaction.
Please also see this article and the screencast for more information about the monitor page.
What if my students don't finish the lesson?
If the bulb is linked to an LMS course, instructors can force the grades to pass back to the LMS even if learners haven’t completed the bulb. Please follow the steps below to sync grades to the LMS.
Navigate to the Monitor page with the steps above.
Click on the Sync Grades button on the top left.
If a learner has taken the bulb but not completed it, the learner’s incomplete score will be synced to the LMS. For example, if the learner got only answers to the first two questions out of the four questions in the bulb, the learner’s grade in the LMS will be 50%. If the learner hasn’t started the bulb yet, the learner’s score in the LMS will be 0.
How do I adjust point values?
By default, each multiple choice, check all, fill in the blank interaction worth 1 point, and each free response interaction is worth 3 points. Instructors can adjust the interaction point values based on their needs with the following steps.
When in the bulb designer, click on the interaction tab on the top, and find the desired interaction to adjust.
Click on the triple dots icon, and use the slide bar to adjust the points for this interaction. Please note that the change will only affect this interaction and will not affect other interactions in this bulb.
How can I build this bulb quickly?
PlayPosit provides two useful tools for instructors to reuse the contents they created. These features can help instructors quickly create a new bulb based on previous works.
Copy Bulb: Instructors can copy the existing bulb and edit the interactions or change the video segments to create a new bulb. Please follow the steps below to copy the bulb and open the bulb designer to edit it.
- On My Bulbs page, click on the thumbnail image or the triple dots icon behind the desired bulb, and select Copy.
- On the popup window, instructors can:
- Edit the copied bulb’s name
- Toggle whether to copy the interactions with the video segments or just the videos.
- Copy and edit the bulb right away, which will open the copied bulb in the bulb designer right away, or copy only, which instructors can still edit in the future.
- To edit the copied bulb, please navigate to the My Bulbs page, click on the thumbnail image or the triple dots icon of the desired bulb, and select Edit to open the bulb designer.
Save interactions as templates: Instructors can save a single or group of interactions as templates to reuse in the future. They can also share their templates with other instructors to help them construct bulbs. Please follow the steps below to create an interaction template.
- In the bulb designer, click on the triple dots icon on the top right of the desired interaction group and select Save as Template.
- On the popup window, instructors can:
- Edit the template’s name
- Change the privacy settings for this template. Instructors can make the template visible to other instructors in their institution or only visible by themselves.
To use the templates, please select My Interaction when adding interaction to the bulb.
Click on Filter on the top.
Change the type to Templates, and select the desired privacy settings.
Select the desired template by clicking on the check box in front of it and clicking on Preview.
After previewing the template, click on Add Interactions to import this template into the bulb.
After importing the template, instructors can click on it to further edit the interaction like the ordinary interaction.
After configuring all the settings, click on Create Template to save the interaction group as a template.
Are PlayPosit bulbs accessible?
Yes! Accessibility is one of the core features PlayPosit prioritizes. Please see this article for more information about the accessibility settings in PlayPosit.