The Admin Dashboard
- Note: this article only applies to users of PlayPosit 3.0 with admin-level privileges for an institutional license.
- Troubleshooting? Check out our guide here.
In this article
- Access the administrator dashboard
- Navigate the administrator dashboard
- Admin snapshot
- Organizations
- All Instructors
- Media Management System
- Upload video
- Edit a Bulb
- Bulb details
- Add collaborators to a Bulb/transfer ownership of a Bulb
- Search by keywords, creator's name, or tags
- Search by Bulb ID
- Add tags to Bulbs
- Search for playlists
- Add collaborators to a playlist/transfer ownership of a playlist
- Link a Bulb
- Export analytics
- Video hosting
- Tree view
- Batch settings
- Batch copy
- Organization settings
Access the administrator dashboard
The administrator dashboard must be activated by the PlayPosit team. Once activated, launch your PlayPosit account from your LMS or login directly on and navigate to the Administration tab in the left sidebar.
Navigate the admin dashboard
There are four tabs on the admin dash that will show you:
- Admin Snapshot
- Showcases overall activity for your institution's license
- Organizations
- Displays overall activity for each organization (school site) in your institution's license
- All Instructors
- Identifies all instructors associated with your institution's license
- Media Library
- Highlights all Bulbs built by instructors from your institution.
Admin snapshot
The Admins Snapshot offers, at a glance, several key metrics for your institution's usage of PlayPosit. At the very top, click on LOAD AGGREGATE DATA for a set period of time, the snapshot highlights the number of:
- Instructors who are part of your institution's license
- Students who took a Bulb assigned within your institution
- Bulbs built within your institution
- Minutes of video uploaded to PlayPosit's servers
Choose to view data for one or all of the organizations within the institution's license by clicking the settings gear on the right, expanding the drop-down menu, and selecting the view. Filter the date range by selecting the start and end date. Note: By default, all start dates will be set to August 1st. If there is a different date it should be set to, please reach out to
Farther down the page, click on LOAD GRAPH DATA to view helpful graphs and tables that specifically identify:
- Student Engagement
- Engagement hours are the number of hours students have spent on Bulbs assigned within your institution over a set time period.
- Engagement hours are the number of hours students have spent on Bulbs assigned within your institution over a set time period.
- Bulbs Delivered
- The number of distinct Bulb attempts made on Bulbs assigned within your institution during a set time period.
- The number of distinct Bulb attempts made on Bulbs assigned within your institution during a set time period.
- Bulbs Created
- The number of Bulbs created within your district over a set time period.
- The number of Bulbs created within your district over a set time period.
- Playlists Created
- The number of playlists created within your district over a set time period.
- Note: this chart is only available to institutions that have playlists enabled.
- The number of playlists created within your district over a set time period.
Click on LOAD LIST DATA to view helpful tables that specifically identify:
- Most Engaged Classes
- The top five classes within your institution with the highest learner engagement within a set time period. Engagement is the amount of time that a learner has the Bulb open. Each class will display the owner first and then any instructors or teaching assistants after. Clicking on the Class Name will display all Bulbs filtered by the displayed class in the Media Library tab.
- The top five classes within your institution with the highest learner engagement within a set time period. Engagement is the amount of time that a learner has the Bulb open. Each class will display the owner first and then any instructors or teaching assistants after. Clicking on the Class Name will display all Bulbs filtered by the displayed class in the Media Library tab.
- Most Viewed Bulbs
- The top five Bulbs with the most views over a given time period. Each Bulb will display the owner first and then any co-editors or facilitators. Clicking the Bulb title will open a preview of the displayed Bulb.
- The top five Bulbs with the most views over a given time period. Each Bulb will display the owner first and then any co-editors or facilitators. Clicking the Bulb title will open a preview of the displayed Bulb.
- Top Creators
- The top five instructors within your institution who have built the most Bulbs over a given time period.
Note: After clicking the name of a top creator, the Media Library will open, showing a list of Bulbs created by that user.
- Most Engaged Playlists
- The top five playlists with the most engagement hours within the institution.
Note: this chart is only available to institutions that have playlists enabled.
- The top five playlists with the most engagement hours within the institution.
Institutional License Details:
Lists details on an institution's license if applicable.
HLS Video Purchased (min): Minutes purchased over the all-time limit set on the account.
HLS Video Usage (min): Minutes used in the the all-time limit on the account.
PlayPosit Account Manager: Name of the account manager at PlayPosit attached to the account.
The Organizations tab displays quick statistics about each school site in the institution's license. Only the admin for a master district can see all organizations within the institution at once. From the Organizations tab, an admin can:
- Search for organizations by name
- Get a filtered view of all bulbs created within an organization
- Get a filtered view of all instructors who belong to an organization
- See all of the custom integrations enabled for an organization.
Additionally, each school row will show how many classes have been created, as well as how many learners have taken a Bulb within that organization.
All Instructors
The All Instructors tab offers information for each instructor associated with your institution's license. In this view, you can:
- Add Instructors: Add instructors to your license or edit/remove existing users from your license.
- Organization: Show the organization the instructor belongs to. Click on the organization name to see all instructors from that organization.
- Last Login: The last time the instructors accessed their account by logging in from PlayPosit or launching from the LMS. If the instructors only use PlayPosit by course copy from other instructors but have never logged into PlayPosit, their status will show as "Not Logged In."
- Instructor Login: Log in as an instructor.
- Filter and Search: Filter instructors by user type and organization or search with their name or email.
- Instructors' data can be exported as a .csv by clicking the Data Export button at the top right corner of the screen.
- Occasionally, you may not find some instructors' accounts from the All Instructors list if they took the professional development assignment in PlayPosit before they accessed their instructor account. Their Bulbs and playlists will still be accessible from the Media Library, and they can still access their instructor accounts with no issue. To make their accounts appear in the All Instructors list again, please follow the steps here to add them to the license. This will not affect their usage, data, classes, or learners.
Admins can find the following information in the exported .csv file:
- Instructor's first and last name
- Instructor's email account
- Last Login time
- Account type
- School/organization name
- Number of Bulbs built by the instructor
- Number of Learner Made Bulb assigned by the instructor
- Number of Learner Made Bulb submitted by learners to the instructor
Add instructors to your license
Click the Add Instructors button to open up a dialog menu for adding instructors. There are two methods of adding instructors to your institution's license:
- Manual Entry - use this method if you are adding only a handful of instructors to your license.
- CSV Upload
- Download a preformatted csv template here, fill it out, and then upload it in order to bulk add instructors.
- Please note that the organization's name must exactly match what is spelled in the Organizations tab.
- After you upload the csv, this dialog menu will display the status of each instructor (i.e. account was successfully created and added, account already existed and was added, problems with the csv formatting, etc.)
Edit instructors in your license
To edit an existing instructor, select a checkbox next to at least one instructor's name. The button at the top of the screen will then change to reflect your selection.
Click Edit Instructor to bring up the corresponding dialog menu, where you can change the instructor's first name, last name, or organization (if you have selected only one instructor). You can also remove them from your organization's license by clicking Remove From License (see second screenshot below).
Otherwise, if you have selected multiple instructors, you can only move them between organizations or remove them from the current one.
All requests to change an instructor's email address must be submitted in writing to either your organization's account manager, or to
Manage and edit instructor content
Administrators are able to log into any instructor's account to edit, monitor, or assign a Bulb to a non-LMS class.
1. Log in to the instructor's account by selecting the log in icon under Instructor Log In.
2. Once you are in an instructor's account you have access to view or edit any of their Bulbs in their My Bulbs library.
3. You also have access to their classes to view their Gradebook and Monitor a specific Bulb or Assign a Bulb to a non-LMS class.
Media Management System
The Media Library tab shows all the Bulbs created in an institution, regardless of the individual privacy settings of any instructors or Bulbs. In the Media Library, an admin can:
- Upload a video directly into a PlayPosit Bulb*.
- Search or Filter through all the bulbs and playlists created in the institution according to various criteria.
- Preview any Bulb or playlist created within the institution.
- Tag any Bulb created within the institution.
- Quickly filter Bulbs down by organization.
- Quickly filter Bulbs down by instructor.
- Open the triple dots menu for any Bulb to access its Bulb settings menu, preview it, or copy it to the admin's library.
Upload video
Admins have the ability to directly upload a video to PlayPosit with the Upload video button. If the button is not visible, please close the tree view by clicking the tree view button on the top right. The uploaded video will automatically be imported into a new bulb and added to the admin’s My bulbs library. Please follow the steps below to upload a video from the Admin dashboard.
- Click the Upload video button.
- Select to upload the video from the device, create a screencast, or record from the webcam.
- After completing the upload, the admin can edit the title of the bulb. If no edit is needed, please select Cancel to close the window.
- The new bulb with the uploaded video can be found on the admin’s My bulbs page.
Edit a Bulb
Admins have the ability to edit Bulbs directly from the Admin Media Library.
- Click the Bulb thumbnail or the triple dots icon next to the Bulb and select Edit. A new tab will open the designer and allow the selected Bulb to be edited.
Note: When editing a Bulb that is owned by someone else, the Bulb will appear in the My Bulbs library and a co-editor designation will automatically be applied. To learn more about the roles and permissions of a co-editor, click here.
Bulb details
Inside the Media Library, select the Bulb thumbnail or triple dot menu and select Bulb Details.
Bulb Details will list the Classes the Bulb has been assigned to, the Assigned Date, and the Archived date, if applicable.
Bulb activity includes:
When and who added, deleted, and updated videos to a Bulb.
When and who created, updated, and deleted interactions in a Bulb.
When and who linked, unlinked, and relinked Bulbs via LTI.
Add collaborators to a Bulb/transfer ownership of a Bulb
- Click on the thumbnail image of the Bulb, and select Collaborate.
Enter the email address for the instructors, and click Add access.
(Optional) To adjust the permission, transfer the ownership, or remove access, please click the pen icon behind the instructor's email, and select the option from the drop-down menu.
Search by keywords, creator's name, or tags
- Click on Search/Filter on the top right.
Enter the keywords, creator’s name, or tags to filter the desired bulbs. There are two suboptions for searching with tags:
- Exact match only: Only show the bulbs with exactly the same tags. For example, if searching for “biology” with the Exact Match Only option, the bulbs tagged with “microbiology” will not show in the search results.
- Exclude tags: Exclude the tags enter in the filter. For example, instructors can add an “Archived” tag to the bulbs that are not in use anymore. When searching for the bulbs, they can exclude the “Archived” tags to filter out those bulbs.
Search by Bulb ID
To find a Bulb ID, preview the Bulb and the Bulb ID will appear in the address bar as bulb_id= followed by a string of numbers.
Select Search/Filter.
Enter the Bulb ID and click Filter.
Remove the filter by clicking the x on the Bulb id chip or select Clear Filters.
Add tags to Bulbs
Administrators can add tags can be added to Bulbs to better organize content into specific categories. Tags are fully customizable and allow content to be easily searchable and filtered. Instructors are able to add tags to the Bulbs they own. Click here for instructions on how instructors can tag Bulbs.
- From the Admin Media Library, select Add Tags on a Bulb.
- Under Tags, type in a keyword/tag and press Enter to save the custom tag. After the tag(s) have been added, select Save.
- To filter Bulbs with a specific tag, click on the tag icon.
- This will filter to only show Bulbs with that specific tag, making it easier to edit or link these Bulbs as an administrator.
Search for playlists
Admins can search for playlists created within their institution by navigating to the Media Library, clicking on Search/Filter, and selecting Playlists. They can also filter playlists by specific keywords, creators, or organizations
Click on the playlist icon or triple dot menu icon at the far right of the playlist table results to see options to Edit, Preview, Duplicate, add collaborators, or Delete the playlist.
To add or edit tags for the playlist, please click on the Add Tag or Edit Tags behind the playlist.
Add collaborators to a playlist/transfer ownership of a playlist
- Click on the playlist icon of the playlist, and select Collaborate.
- Enter the email address for the instructors, and click Add access.
- (Optional) To adjust the permission, transfer the ownership, or remove access, please click the pen icon behind the instructor's email, and select the option from the drop-down menu.
Link a Bulb
Certain admins have the ability to link Bulbs to LMS assignments directly from the Admin Media Library. To link a Bulb in the Media Library through an LMS, an admin must first create an LMS assignment that is linked to the PlayPosit external tool.
- Click Set Bulb Link.
- Navigate to the Admin Media Library in the PlayPosit dashboard by clicking Administration in the sidebar.
- Select the Media Library tab.
- In the Media Library, click the thumbnail or triple dot menu next to the Bulb that is to be linked to the LMS assignment and click Set Bulb Link.
- The assignment will now be linked to this PlayPosit Bulb.
Export analytics
Admins have the ability to export Bulb analytics directly from the Admin Media Library.
- Click the Bulb thumbnail or the triple dots icon next to the Bulb and select Export Analytics. A new tab will open the designer and allow the selected Bulb to be edited.
- A pop up will appear to confirm the export and direct the user to leave the browser window open until the export is completed. Click Export Data.
- A CSV file will download. Depending on browser settings the file will automatically open or the user will need to click on the document to open.
Video Hosting
Videos uploaded through this method will count against an institution’s video hosting quota. To see how many minutes of video are included in a license, please switch to the Admin Snapshot tab and scroll to the bottom of the page. For more information on uploading a video to PlayPosit, please refer to this help article.
Tree View
Tree view allows administrators to organize content into folders and subfolders. Playlists cannot be organized into folders.
Please see this screencast for more information about Tree View
To enable Tree View, select the Media Library view from the Admin Dashboard and click Tree View.
Tree view for master district admins
Tree view allows master district administrators to organize and view content from all child schools within the district. They have the ability to add Bulbs to folders, create folders, and move Bulbs between child schools.
- Master district folder: the first folder in tree view represents the master district.
- Child school folder: the building icon represents child schools within the master district.
- Folders: folders are a great way to organize content.
- Subfolders: a folder within the parent folder.
- These are Bulbs that can be organized into different folders and child school folders. Learner Made Bulbs and peer review Bulbs will not appear in the list of Bulbs.
Tree view for child school admins
Tree view allows child school administrators to organize and view content from all instructors of their school. They have the ability to add Bulbs to folders and create and edit folders. There are limitations of child school administrators. They cannot view content from the master district and their sibling schools. Child school administrators cannot create folders or add Bulbs to the master district.
- Master district folder: the first folder in tree view represents the master district the child school belongs to.
- Child school folder: the building icon represents the child school the admin has access to.
- Folders: folders are a great way to organize content.
- Subfolders: a folder within the parent folder.
- These are Bulbs that can be organized into different folders and child school folders. Learner Made Bulbs and peer review Bulbs will not appear in the list of Bulbs.
- If there are Bulbs that belong to a different organization, it is because a master district admin has added a Bulb from that child school.
- When a master district admin organizes a Bulb into a different child school, the Bulb will not appear in your tree view. To view the missing Bulb, turn off Tree View.
- If an instructor moves to a different child school within the same master district, their unorganized Bulbs will migrate to the new child school.
Add a folder
- To create a new folder inside a school, click on the name of the school. Then click on the triple dot menu and select Add Folder.
- Name the folder, then click Save.
Add a subfolder
- To add a subfolder, select the folder in which the subfolder should reside, then click the triple dot menu, and select Add Folder.
- Name the folder, then click Save.
Edit a folder
- To edit a folder name, select the folder, click the triple dot menu, and select Edit Folder.
- Edit the name, then click Save.
Delete a folder
To remove a folder, select the folder, click the triple dots, and select Remove Folder.
Add a Bulb to a folder
To add a single Bulb to a folder, drag the desired Bulb to the appropriate folder.
To add multiple Bulbs to a folder, select the desired Bulbs and then drag them to the appropriate folder.
Batch settings
From the Admin dashboard, select the Media Library.
Select the Bulbs to make batch setting updates to by clicking the check box next to the Bulb title.
Click Batch Settings.
This will open up the settings for each Bulb that was selected. Admins can update the tags, playback options, and privacy settings for each Bulb.
To apply the change to all the selected Bulbs at once, switch to the Apply To All tab on the top, update the tags, playback options, and privacy settings, and click Apply to apply the update to all the selected Bulbs.
Batch copy
- From the Admin dashboard, select the Media Library.
- Select the Bulbs to batch copy by clicking the check box next to the Bulb title.
- Click the Batch Copy button.
- The side panel menu that appears allows the admin to update the title and/or make additional copies. Once the updates have been made, select Copy.
Organization Settings
To access the Organization Settings:
- Click on the admin name in the left sidebar to open up the User Profile.
- Select Organization Settings on the left side of the user. Select the appropriate organization from the drop down menu titled Select School.
The settings within this section affect not only the admin's account but also the accounts of all instructors affiliated with the educational institution. Please be careful when making changes!
Administrators can also set captions as default by scrolling down and clicking on the Set Captions Defaults button. It will enable captions for all the videos by default, and instructors can modify this setting in their profile settings.
Organizational Privacy
When an admin selects an organizational privacy setting, that setting is the default privacy setting for any instructor account created within that license. Individual instructors can then select any privacy setting available in either the profile or on individual Bulb privacy settings. Available options are:
- Bulbs & Playlists are public - Bulbs and playlists will be visible in Premade Bulbs and My Community tab
- Bulbs & Playlists are visible to members of your district/institution - Bulbs and playlists will be visible to members of just the institution
- Bulbs & Playlists are visible to members of your school/site - Bulbs and playlists will be visible to only members of the specific school you belong to within the institution
- Bulbs & Playlists are private - Bulbs and playlists will not be visible in Premade Bulbs or My Community but can be shared via direct link to instructors only
Note that even if you set the default sharing behavior for all Bulbs to private, those Bulbs should still appear in the Media Library section of the Admin Dashboard. Make sure to click Save after making any changes!
Click here for directions on how to add custom branding. Note: This feature is available to administrators of an institutional or enterprise license if branding is included in that license.
Delete Account
Clicking the big red button labeled Delete User Account will do exactly that! There’s no going back - all your Bulbs, Classes, and account activity will be irrevocably deleted, so be sure you want to delete your account before going anywhere near this button!