Non-mandatory engagements within PlayPosit

In this article

  1. How can PlayPosit help increase learning motivation through non-mandatory engagement?
  2. Sample bulbs
  3. What interactions can be used for non-mandatory engagement?
  4. Tips and tricks
  5. FAQ

How can PlayPosit help increase learning motivation through non-mandatory engagement?

Besides using PlayPosit as a summative assessment tool, instructors can also build bulbs with non-mandatory interactions that guide learners’ focus on the video, provide supplemental resources, and motivate them to engage with the learning content.

Instructors can use various types of non-mandatory interactions to enrich their bulbs. The Pause and Web embed interactions can be great tools to host supplemental resources or provide hints and guidance to lead learners’ attention to the crucial part of the video. The Poll and discussion interactions are also useful tools that allow learners to share their ideas and thoughts with the instructor and their peers, which can help form a learning community and encourage them to actively participate in the learning process.
PlayPosit also provides a highly flexible grading system for instructors to adjust the points for each interaction to meet their needs. For example, the participation points can be assigned to Pause or Web embed interaction so that learners will get points when they read the supplemental materials. Or the instructor can configure points for discussion interaction that provide points to learners when they submit their responses. This handy feature can help instructors design the learning experience that will be most intriguing to learners.

Sample bulbs

Global warming introduction
0:00 - 0:15 Durational pause interaction to provide learners supplemental resources related to the topic.
00:33 A hotspot pause interaction with an embedded YouTube video allows learners to dive deeper into the topic if they are interested. 
00:43 A web embed interaction lets learners view a website with related resources while watching the bulb.
00:57 Stack interactions with a Poll interaction for learners to pick the topics they are interested in and provide more information accordingly, and a discussion interaction to let learners share their ideas and thoughts with their peers.

PlayPosit easter egg use case
0:03 “Secret Self Check” poll interaction encourages students to reflect on what they know and what they don’t know while also providing instructors insight via the data/analytics collected.  When this strategy is implemented frequently, these durational pop-ups off just-in-time engagement and reflection. 

  • Durational interactions are ones that appear and then disappear at various timestamps.  The temporary nature of these interactions adds to an engaging, “just-in-time” element of engagement.
0:21 Audio clip that appears gives the instructor an opportunity to insert his/her commentary into the video.  The learner can optionally choose to engage with the additional audio clip.  
0:39 The hotspot exam reminder focuses the attention of the learners on the content and can be saved by the instructor for re-use via Save As Template.
1:03 Check All that Apply interaction worth zero points offers learners a low-risk method of checking their own knowledge.
1:18 A hidden interaction worth 1 point benefits learners who watch the content without fast-forwarding.  Learners who fast forward will not earn that participation point.
PlayPosit Webinar:  Easter Eggs and "Hidden Engagement" with PlayPosit

What interactions can be used for non-mandatory engagement?

All the interactions PlayPosit provides can be configured to be non-graded and non-required. Some interactions, like multiple choice or fill in the blank, will show learners whether their responses are correct or not, even if the interaction is non-graded. 

If the instructor just wants to use interaction to provide supplemental resources or encourage learners to participate in the learning without judging their responses, below are four interaction types that best suit this need.


Pause interaction can be a great way to provide supplemental resources to learners or guide learners to focus on the critical part of the video. Please follow the steps below to configure the Pause interaction.

  1. Click Add interaction.

  2. Select Pause interaction.

  3. Instructors can then type in the learning objectives or copy and paste their class plan to the pause interaction. Furthermore, there are some useful features that can help instructors format the information in this pause interaction to make it more appealing and accessible.

    1. Headers: To use headers with the pause interaction, please highlight the desired text, click on the triple dots icon, and select Formats. Then select Formats from the dropdown menu, Headers, and select the desired header.
    2. List: To create a list in the pause interaction, please click on the list icon on the rich text editor. There are two options for the list format, numbered list or bullet list.
    3. Table: To create a table, click on the triple dots icon on the rich text editor, select Table, and draw out the desired table size.
    4. Multimedia resources: Instructors can also upload images and files, record audio or video, and add emojis to the pause interaction using the rich text editor.

Web embed

Web embed interaction allows instructors to add supplemental websites and display to learners when they take the bulb. Please follow the steps below to set up a web embed interaction.

  1. Click on Add Interaction.

  2. Select Web embed interaction.

  3. Paste the URL of the desired website to the input section. Please note the URL must be in “ HTTPS://” format to be embeddable. Also, some websites might block the ability to be embedded. Please try alternate resources if the website is not embeddable.


Instructors can use poll interaction to gather feedback or other useful information from learners to help revise and improve future lessons. Also, by configuring the feedback with the poll interaction, instructors can create a branched learning experience by letting learners select the topic they are interested in and view the content according to their choices.

  1. Click on Add Interaction.

  2. Select Poll interaction.

  3. Enter the question and the answer options.

  4. (Optional) If instructors want to let learners select multiple options, please check the Learners can select multiple answers option under the advanced settings.

  5. (Optional) Click the gear icon behind each answer option, select Add feedback, and enter the feedback for the answer option. The feedback section also comes with a rich text editor that allows instructors to add images or insert hyperlinks to the feedback.


The discussion interaction is a powerful tool to create a learning community by letting learners share their ideas and thoughts with other learners and reply to each other’s comments. At the same time, instructors have the ability to monitor and edit the discussion forum if needed.

  1. Click on Add Interaction.

  2. Select Discussion interaction.

  3. Enter the guide or question to lead the discussion.

  4. (Optional) If instructors do not want learners to see others' responses before posting their own comments, please expand the advanced settings, and select the Hide discussion posts until learner contributes option.

Other interactions

Other interactions, like multiple choice and check all, have points assigned to them by default. If instructors want to use them as non-graded interactions, please click the triple dots icon on the top right of the interaction, and use the slide bar to set the points to zero.

Tips and tricks

Interaction placement

Besides displaying on the sidebar, interaction can also be overlaid on the video. Please follow the steps below to adjust the placement of the interaction.

  1. After adding the interaction, click the Placement tab, and click on the gray area to place the interaction. There will be a preview on the right side of the screen.

  2. (Optional) Expand the Advanced to apply more detailed adjustments to the placement visual effect to this interaction.

  3. Click Done to save the change.

Make interaction non-required

All the interactions are required by default, which means learners will need to respond to them to move forward in the bulb. Instructors can adjust this setting to allow learners to move on to the next section in the video without submitting their responses.

  1. When adding the interaction, click Advanced to expand the advanced settings, and uncheck the Interaction is required option.

  2. Click Done to save the change.

Durational interaction

A durational interaction will display to learners without pausing the video playback, which can be handy when the instructor wants to provide supplemental resources but doesn’t want to interrupt learners from watching the video. Please follow the steps below to create a durational interaction.

  1. After creating the interaction, click Advanced to expand the advanced settings, and uncheck the interaction is required and interaction pauses video playback options.

  2. Click the Timing tab on the top, and click Advanced.

  3. Enter the start time and end time for this interaction. Instructors can use the green and red flags to adjust the timing.

  4. Click Done to save the change.

Participation points

Besides making the bulb un-graded, instructors can also apply participation points to the bulb, and learners will automatically earn full points when they complete the bulb. Please follow the steps below to set the participation points.

  1. Set all of the graded interactions (multiple choice, check all, fill in the blank, and free responses) to zero points by clicking the triple dots icon and using the slide bar to set it to zero.
  2. Apply points to the non-graded interactions in the bulb (pause, web embed, poll, discussion). When learners reach the time stamp of these interactions or submit their responses, they will earn full points automatically. 
NOTE: For the discussion interaction, please expand the Advanced settings, and check the Learners automatically earn full points on submission of comments option.

Allow fast forward

Instructors can allow learners to adjust the playback speed of the bulb or use the scrubber to fast forward when watching the bulb.

To allow learners to adjust the playback speed:

  1. Click the Review tab on the top, and expand the Playback options.

  2. Check the Allow learners to increase playback speed option.

To allow learners to fast forward with the scrubber:

  1. Click the Review tab on the top, and expand the Playback options.

  2. Check the Allow viewers to fast forward option.


What information will be stored in the grade book when learners complete a bulb with no points assigned to it?

When learners complete a bulb that has no points assigned to it, the bulb will be marked completed, and a 100% score will be stored on PlayPosit’s monitor page. If the bulb is linked to the LMS, a 100% score will also pass back to the LMS. For the instructors who don’t want the grades to pass back to the LMS, please see the articles below for more information about assigning non-graded bulbs to different LMSs.



Schoology(deep link)

Blackboard 3.0

Blackboard Ultra

More LMS

After allowing learners to fast forward, is there a way to tell who watched the bulb completely and who just skipped to the end?

Yes! When viewing the bulb’s monitor page, there is a field that shows how long learners spent on this bulb, which can help distinguish whether the learners have watched the bulb completely.

Also, Instructors can use the pause interaction to create invisible checkpoints to see if learners really watch the bulb. Please follow the steps below to create the checkpoints.
  1. Add a Pause interaction to the bulb, and type in some text for it. Learners will not see the text on it when they watch the bulb.

  2. Expand the Advanced settings, and uncheck both the Interaction is required and interaction pauses video playback options.

  3. Instructors can repeat the steps and add multiple checkpoints to the bulb. If the learner just fasts forward without watching the video, the field under the pause interaction will be marked as “-” on the monitor page. If they have watched the video and reached the time stamp, the interaction will be marked as “ Pause.”
  4. (Optional) Instructors can also add points to these checkpoints and simply check learners’ final scores to see if they watched the bulb completely.

Can learners go back to the discussion interaction and reply to others’ comments after completing the bulb?

Yes! Learners can always revisit the bulb after they have completed it. When rewatching the bulb, they can use the sidebar to find the discussion interaction and click on it to open it and participate in the discussion again.

Can I embed a YouTube video with Web embed interaction?

Yes! But the URL acquired from the URL bar is not embeddable. Please follow the steps below to acquire the embed link for YouTube videos.

  1. Click Share.

  2. Select Embed.

  3. Copy the URL part from the embed code.

  4. Paste the URL into the Web embed interaction.

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