Release Notes
- Bulk settings have been added to My Bulbs
- Everyone as access to Broadcast analytics
- Removed the Canvas auto-fill feature when assigning a bulb/playlist within Canvas
- Annotations can be added to a PDF in an interaction and in a playlist
- Free responses now have the option to be auto-graded
- Fixed the jump issue where the video would not jump on a retry attempt
- Updated how we are pulling Vimeo captions so they appear now
- Resolved an issue with LMS auto-syncing
- Fixed the Unauthorized Error when monitoring bulbs from an LMS
- New interaction type - PDF
- LMB and Peer Review assignments can be copied and edited
- Resolved Clever syncing issue
- Resolved the "Integration Data Missing" bug
- Added a grade all option when grading Learner-Made Bulbs in Playlists
- Fixed bug with Blackboard course copy using LTI 1.3
- Added the option to release a Playlist certificate after a Learner-Made Bulb is graded
- Added Playlist tags to the Premade and Admin Media Library
- Added Batch Settings to the Admin library that allows the user to apply settings to multiple pieces of content
- Added the ability to grade LMBs from the Playlist gradebook
August 2023
- Support for LTI 1.3 and migration from LTI 1.1 to 1.3
- Fixed Clever sync issue and updated Clever API
July 2023
June 2023
- Increased bulk select from 20 to 50
- Added bulk select to the Class view
- Fixed bug where the creator last name was not filtered in the Premade Library
- Fixed bug where user names were not being updated from the Learning Management System automatically
May 2023
April 2023
- Added the Learner Made Bulb objective/directions to display when inside a Playlist
- PenTest updates
- Added the ability to create a LMB from inside the Playlist designer
- Added filtering to Playlist search
- Added tags to Playlist inside the Playlist tab
- Added completion filtering to the Playlist Gradebook
- Added the ability to export Playlist data from the Media Library
- Added the Rich Text Editor to Text items in the Playlist
March 2023
- Added the option to force learners to retry and interaction
- Fixed bug in the Playlist gradebook where Bulbs worth 0 points were showing up as 100%
- Updated Learner Made Bulb and Peer Review grading to include up to 100 points
- Added Vivo ID requests to the designer and User Profile
- Updated Playlist certificates to include WeVideo logo
- Fixed bug where LMBs inside Playlists were not copying
- Added the ability to paste in a Vivo link to the designer (for users who have a Vivo integration)
- Added the ability to add co-owners, facilitators, and transfer ownership of Bulbs and Playlists as an admin from the Media Library
- Updated the grade sync logic so that if a Bulb inside of a Playlist has retakes, the Playlist grade will re-sync to the LMS when the student retakes the Bulb
- Added the ability for Learner Made Bulbs to be added to Playlists
February 2023
- Added feature flag to expose the playlist id in the designer
- Fixed bug where the copy button was not copying the link in the assign modal
- PlayPosit is fully integrated inside of the WeVideo platform! WeVideo customers can use WeVideo videos to build, assign, and monitor Bulbs
- Updated the Playlist gradebook export to include email of the user, completion status, and total time spent on the playlist
- Updated how fill in the blank interactions are parsed. Can now include commas in correct responses
- Added the ability to limit the number of Bulb retakes
January 2023
- Fixed bug where co-editors of Bulbs were not able to edit bulbs within a Playlist
- Several security updates to the platform
- Fixed bug where bulbs were still appearing in folders after being deleted
- Updated worksheets to accept Heading size 1
- Fixed Broadcast bug when interactions are placed at the end of a Bulb
- Added tags to the Bulb export
- Added filter option to the discussion forum to filter comments oldest to newest and newest to oldest
- Fixed bug to only copy video source from the Premade Library
- Updates to the Activity Feed- filtering, refresh button, and an event for when students delete their comment in the discussion forum
- Added Playlist gradebook export to Google Classroom
- Added live graphs for Broadcast analytics
December 2022
- Fixed bug in the designer where the time was not matching the player time
- Fixed bug in the class view to order bulbs by their assigned date
- Fixed bug where the minimum threshold was not removed if interactions were deleted
- Fixed bug where all interactions stacked at the end of the bulb were not appearing in the sidebar menu
- Fixed bug where events were not appearing in the Activity Feed
- Fixed bug where the bulb threshold was not updating on bulbs that were copied
- Added a forward 10 seconds to the player
- Added a column in the Bulb/Class export listing the school name that the learner belongs to
- Added the ability for learners to disable the captions and make the transcripts available still
November 2022
- Fixed a bug where bulb analytics were not displaying properly
- Became an official ClassLink partner!
- Migrated our Google SSO to use Google's new Identity Services API for the web
- Added the ability to add a new Bulb from the Playlist designer
- Added the ability to transfer ownership of Playlists
- Added a feature flag for students to be able to edit free response submission after completion
- Adjusted colors in the User Profile to meet accessibility requirements
- Removed Edmodo from SSO
October 2022
- Added support to stream WeVideo videos inside of PlayPosit
- Added worksheet views and downloads to the database
- Alphabetized child schools on the Admin Dash data filter
- Exposed the Require SAML toggle in the Broadcast menu
- Added the ability to add alt-text to images in Playlists
- Added the ability to sync individual grades for Playlists
- Added the ability to open bulb settings and edit bulb from the Playlist designer
- Fixed bug where websites were not loading inside of Playlists
- Fixed bug where the admin dash data was not displaying properly
- Created a custom log in page for a client
- Added a feature flag to allow for continued playback in an inactive tab
- Updated accessibility highlight for the submit button on interactions
- When an instructor completes a professional learning playlist, they will be prompted to close the tab instead of being redirected to a student dashboard
September 2022
- Added the ability for the instructor to reset Peer Review attempts
- Created data exports for LMBs and Peer Review
- Removed displaying the template gallery in the designer by default
- Added the ability to hide discussion posts until a learner contributes
- Added the functionality to highlight correct answers in interactions with multiple attempts, but only on the last attempt.
- Added the ability to transfer ownership of classes
- Fixed an issue that caused broken thumbnails for Brightcove videos
- Fixed an issue that caused worksheets to not be scrollable in Safari on iOS devices
August 2022
- Bulbs can now be assigned to anyone. Click here to learn more
- Attachments are now only displayed for the selected answer choice
- Fixed an issue when admins tried to update the branding for all schools
- Question bank interactions can now be found in My interactions
- Fixed an issue with Badgr authentication
- Bulb checkout is now available for Bulbs.
- Fixed an issue that did not apply privacy settings for new child schools
- Fixed an issue that caused the scrub bar to not progress for Bulbs that used Vimeo videos inside an LMS
- Fixed an issue that made interactions not automatically appear in the sidebar of a Bulb inside an LMS
- Fixed an issue with Credly authentication
- The full-screen button is now displayed in the scrub bar of the player
- Bulbs and playlists can have a minimum score threshold set for learners
- Dark mode interactions are now available for all clients
- For all clients with LMS access, admins can link bulbs from the Media Library
- Instructors and admins can create and apply templates.
- Secondary streams are now enabled for all clients
- Fixed an issue where the bulb begins to play when an interaction is placed at 00:00:00 for Vimeo videos
- Fixed an issue that caused RTE to not appear by default when a user retries an interaction
- Vimeo videos that are password protected can now be added to a Bulb
- Fixed an issue that caused single-page PDFs to be marked incomplete in playlists
- SAML login is now enabled for sharing bulbs
- Require SAML login can be turned on as the default for all instructors in an organization. Contact your Account Manager or if you would like this feature turned on
- Bulbs can now be bulk deleted from My Bulbs or in the Media Library for admins
- Fixed an issue that caused webpages to automatically jump to embedded bulbs
July 2022
- Instructors can now sync grades for individual students in LMS-linked courses.
- Playlists can now be assigned to either Instructors or Learners.
- Fixed an issue that caused the first question in some broadcasts to not be displayed for learners
- Learners can now download their reports as a DOCX file. This is currently available for institutional clients. Please contact your Customer Success Manager for more information
- Fixed an issue that caused PDF files to not load in playlist previews if it was the first item
- Answers for Fill in the Blank Interactions are now viewed as tags
- Fixed an issue with the drop-down menu in the filter modal
- Fixed an issue with a broken copy bulb flow for first-time instructor logins
- The old user profile has been retired. Click here to learn more about the new user profile
- Fixed an issue where bulbs or items would not be marked complete if the user navigated to a previously completed item in a locked progression playlist
- Fixed an issue that caused a freeze at the beginning of Bulbs that used cropped Vimeo videos
- Fixed an issue with a playlist error related to item and bulb completion
- Fixed an issue that caused playlist copy to break when Facilitator Copies was enabled
- Fixed an issue in the designer that caused Panopto videos to freeze on the initialize state
June 2022
- Learners can now download their results as an HTML file if enabled by the organization
- Fixed an issue that marked some completed bulbs with a status of Not started in an LMS
- Users can now control how the player controls are displayed in the player. Click here to learn more.
- The player now allows player hotkeys to be enabled. Click here to learn more about keyboard shortcuts in the player.
- In D2L, playlists that are assigned using Insert Stuff and Insert QuickLink tools will now have the option to enable or disable grade sync. Click here to learn more about grade sync in D2L.
- Fixed an issue that caused the timestamp of a bulb to change when an interaction is separated from an interaction group
- Fixed an issue that caused duplicate resolution options with HLS videos
- Added a new message about lost internet connection for free and pro users
- Fixed an issue that caused Vimeo videos to load only the audio when HLS was the default stream
- Fixed an issue that caused the player controls to disappear when embedded in D2L for bulbs that use YouTube video sources
- Fixed an issue that caused Panopto video and audio playbacks to freeze in BlackBoard
May 2022
- Fixed an issue that caused new instructor accounts to not have the privacy setting set by the organization
- Certificate messages are now autosaved in the playlist designer
- Fixed an issue that did not stop feedback videos from playing when continuing a bulb
- Fixed an issue where pop up messages blocked header buttons in a playlist
- Fixed an issue that caused the Tree View and Search/Filter buttons to disappear when multiple bulbs were moved to a folder in the Media Library
- Fixed an issue with caption orders for MP4s
- Fixed an issue where bulbs or playlists with long titles would distort the columns in the Media Library
- Learners can now input numbers in the title field for bulbs that require a learner's name
- Added an Expand/Collapse button to open or close all reply threads in discussion interactions
- Fixed an issue with playlists where the Bulb would continue playing in an LMS after a learner clicked Save & Exit
- There are now more bulb default options in the User profile. Click here to learn more
- When playlists are copied into a user's account, the playlist will have the same privacy setting as the user
- Fixed an issue that caused broken Mediasite thumbnails
- Playlists that are assigned in an LMS are now blocked from accessing outside of an LMS
- Fixed an issue that prevented interactions from moving back in a group when the interaction was added from My Interactions
April 2022
- Fixed an issue that did not load 3CMedia videos in the designer
- Fixed an issue that caused points to not update in question bank interactions
- In playlists, the table of contents now opens by default
- The Sync Grade button now appears in the grade book outside of an LMS
- PlayPosit now supports the Observer role when using Blackboard. Click here for more information on the observer role
- Learners will now default to the Playlist tab if a class only has playlists assigned
- In Discussion Interactions, learners and instructors are prompted with a warning when deleting a comment
- PlayPosit now supports adding interactivity to videos hosted by Media+ (available to institutional clients only). Click here for more information on Media+
- Fixed an issue with the filter menu being too large in My Bulbs and in the Admin Media Library when accessing PlayPosit from an LMS
- Fixed an issue that caused YouTube VR videos to not be actionable in the designer
- PDF files are now scrollable and load on mobile devices
- Fixed an issue with the styling of the Apply Template button on Windows devices
- Playlists now have a fullscreen button in the designer and player
- Playlists assigned to learners will not auto-enroll any learner that is not part of the class
- Bulbs and playlists can now be linked using the rich text editor in Blackboard
- Fixed an issue that did not update the title of text items in the preview of a playlist
March 2022
- YouTube Virtual Reality videos are interactive in the player on a desktop. YouTube Virtual Reality videos are not compatible with mobile iOS or Android devices
- Playlists can now be found in Premade Bulbs for institutions with playlists enabled. If interested in learning more about playlists, click here. To learn more about playlist privacy settings, click here
- Fixed an issue that caused Vimeo videos with an aspect ratio of 4:3 to be cut off in the player
- Fixed an issue that misordered interactions and video segment sections when the Table of Contents interaction template was added
- Patched an alignment issue within the gradebook
- When instructors make copies of playlists, the text item is now copied over as well
- Playlists can be duplicated if an instructor is the owner of the playlist
- Fixed an issue with the styling of bullet points in the Table of Contents interaction template
- Playlist certificates have new branding. Click here to learn more
- Fixed an issue that made text difficult to read for schools with dark branding colors
- The player has a new runtime countdown feature.
- Learners can now download their reports to their devices. Click here to learn more about downloading results
- If a peer review assignment has enabled learners to upload videos, learners can now upload videos using the rich text editor for peer review discussions. Note: This change will only apply to new peer review assignments
- Fixed an alignment formatting issue in the designer that did not display properly in the preview
- In D2L, there is a new default setting for a Bulb called Sync Grades to LMS. Click here to learn more about D2L
- Kaltura now supports switching primary and secondary videos in dual stream videos
- Fixed an issue that caused Broadcast to cast a black screen
- Added warning messages in the designer around cropping and trimming videos
- Fixed an issue that did not return the correct results when searching by Bulb id in the admin's Media library
- Patched an issue where users were unable to replace an existing Kaltura stream in a Bulb
- Fixed an issue that did not update the point value when an interaction was moved into a question bank
- Fixed an issue that caused videos stuck in the initialization state when making crops and trims
- Fixed an issue in the designer where the scroll bar did not appear until the text was entered into tables
February 2022
- Fixed an issue where proxied Bulbs were not playing audio
- Fixed an issue that caused the Premade Bulb library to not load
- Fixed an issue that caused playlists to not load if there was an empty module or a deleted Bulb in the playlist
- Fixed an issue where the new password was not saved when an instructor resets their password
- Fixed an issue with the toggles when creating a Peer Review assignment
- Made accessibility updates to the Monitor page to navigate the cells, rows, and columns within the tables
- Made accessibility updates to the Playlist designer and certificate preview
- Made accessibility updates to the Rev captioning request. Click here to learn more about caption requests
- Made accessibility updates to the player for learners uploading attachments
- Made accessibility updates to the video upload in the designer and player
- Made accessibility updates to the navigation sidebar
- Patched an issue that malformed the orientation of profile pictures that were taken on a mobile device
- Patched an issue that caused My Videos to not load
- Updated the styling within interactions to handle bullet points better
- Playlists now have visibility settings similar to Bulb privacy settings.
- Users can now set privacy settings for Bulbs and playlists
- Fixed an issue that caused Panopto videos to not load on iOS devices. Click here to learn more about viewing Panopto Bulbs on an iOS device
- Fixed an issue where Bulb privacy settings were not reflected in the Premade Bulb library
- Fixed an issue that did not load all content from PlayPosit in the Premade Bulb library
- When a Peer Review assignment has Enable complete/incomplete grading toggled on, grades are now marked complete when the learner submits an assignment and provides feedback for every learner in their group
- Patched an issue that caused Bulb analytics to not load when an interaction has been archived
- Fixed an issue to pull captions from YouTube videos
- Fixed an issue with resetting passwords where users were unable to apply the new password in the new user profile
January 2022
- Fixed an issue with Peer Review assignments where students were unable to submit a rubric
- Fixed an issue caused when an instructor resets a learner attempt from the dashboard
- Integrated Badgr within playlists. Click here for more information (available to institutional clients)
- Fre, Pro, and Institutional users can now use private Vimeo videos in Bulbs
- Subject tags are alphabetized
- Playlists now support adding a text item. PDFs and images will load within the playlist
- Patched an issue that caused the scrub bar to disappear in the player on Canvas
- Grades do not sync when instructors link Bulbs using the insert stuff plugin tool on D2L. Click here for more information on how to assign a Bulb using the insert stuff tool
- Patched an issue to prevent instructors from creating auto jump interactions that jump backward. Click here to learn about auto jump interactions
- Instructors and admin can view the activity of a Bulb. Click here to learn more. (available to institutional clients)
- Instructors can now add Text items to playlists. Click here to learn more.
- PDFs and Images displayed in playlists and attachments that require downloads will now load with a Download button. Click here to learn about the learner experience for playlists.
December 2021
- Patched an issue that caused interactions to display out of order when monitoring a Bulb
- Patched an issue with Vimeo Bulbs buffering in playlists
- Patched an issue that caused private Vimeo videos to fail to initialize in the designer
- Patched an issue that caused an infinite loading loop with Panopto videos
- Added a refresh screen after logging in for Panopto videos
- Fixed an issue with secondary streams playing audio when using Panopto videos
- Instructors are able to sync grades in Google Classroom. Click here for more information. (available to institutional clients)
- When an instructor copies a playlist, the Bulbs will be copied into their account. Attachments and links will also be copied over
- Rev captions now support mp3s
- Patched an issue that caused the Sync Grade button to overlap in the gradebook
- All users who are part of an institutional license with playlist access can now copy playlists (Read this article for more information)
- PlayPosit now allows instructors to link a playlist, professional learning Bulb, and a professional learning playlist to Google Classroom. Playlist grade export is not supported with Google Classroom
- Instructors are able to set minimum scores on playlists without having to set a minimum score on the Bulb
- In the grade book, instructors can filter by showing point values in responses
November 2021
- Made minor tweaks to the new user profile around white label previews, requesting new video host integration ids, and Pro user payment page
- Patched a bug causing the admin media library to show the wrong Bulb owner in certain cases
- Patched an issue causing the gray screen experience for playlists that had been linked in an LMS to display two rows of buttons
- Fixed issue preventing the Bulb Analytics graphs from displaying metrics on the percentage of students in a class who had not started a given Bulb
- PlayPosit now supports setting minimum completion scores for each Bulb within a playlist. (available to all institutional clients with playlist access, read more here)
- Fixed wording for certain events in the Activity Feed
- Fixed issue preventing the checkboxes in Bulb Settings from displaying an institution's white-labeled colors
- Added a Finish and Exit button to the playlist player that will take learners to either their learner dashboard or a bluescreen message directing them to close the tab
- Added attributes to the HTML embed code for Bulbs that will allow access to a user's camera and microphone for video recording purposes
- Modified the player and designer to display more detailed error messages when a Bulb contains a Vimeo video with restricted viewing and embedding permissions
- PlayPosit now offers all instructors the ability for instructors to search the admin media library and My Bulbs by Bulb id
- Patched an issue with CSVs moving instructor users around incorrectly from schools
- Patched an issue with dragging videos from folders in the Admin Media Library
October 2021
- Patched issue causing the Copy a Playlist feature to not copy certain attachment types
- Patched issue causing certain web embed previews to fail in the Designer when editing a bulb
- Instructors who are part of institutional licenses can now set defaults for various advanced interaction settings from the profile. (see these articles on instructor user accounts and admin user accounts for more information)
- Fixed issue causing the "Manage Group Sets" button to not appear on the grey screen when linking a peer review bulb in an LMS
- Patched issue preventing grades from being saved after leaving feedback on a free response submission in the gradebook
- Patched issue causing the Submit button in a free response feedback menu to show as unclickable after uploading an audio clip
- Patched an issue affecting playback of private Vimeo videos for certain institutional clients. Contact your Account Manager or if you experience difficulty playing back private Vimeo videos in the Designer or Player
- My Interactions can now filter out copies of interactions as well as filter search results by interaction type
- Patched an issue causing PlayPosit to sync grades of over 100% to LMS gradebooks
- When completing a bulb, all learners will now see the "play" button on the scrub bar change to a "replay" button. Clicking the replay button will start playing the bulb from the beginning
- Patched an issue causing the player to treat the oldest collaborator on a bulb as the owner, instead of the actual owner. This may have caused the player to erroneously tell users that they had reached their monthly limit of attempts, even when part of a license
- Tweaked styling of playlist gradebook to accommodate for bulbs that are worth 0 points
- Implemented 256 character limit for playlist names, names of bulbs within a playlist, and the text input fields on a certificate
- The Activity Feed will now display events related to uploading and transcoding of video for users who are part of an institutional license with a video hosting package
- Patched issue causing module names to overlap bulb names when longer than three lines in the playlist player
- All users who are part of an institutional license now have access to the free response feedback feature! (Read this article for more information)
- Fixed issue causing parent observers in a Canvas course to show up as instructors in the peer review gradebook when looking at instructor feedback
- Institutional clients now can control whether or not their learners can use videos from private video hosts when creating LMBs
- All users can now upload MP3 audio files of up to 100 MB in size to bulbs in the Designer
September 2021
- Fixed issue with playlists preventing learners from clicking the "Next Bulb" toast message when a bulb in a playlist had been completed, or the "Print Certificate" button when the playlist had been completed
- Fixed issue causing admin snapshot graphs to not show data for months in which there had been no activity
- Fixed an issue causing co-instructors in a class to not be able to view comments they had added to a discussion forum in a student peer review submission
- Fixed issue causing the Retake Bulb button to display on review tab of player even if bulb attempt was not complete
- Fixed issue preventing instructors from moderating discussion forum comments for peer review bulb submissions
- Fixed issue preventing instructors from launching playlists from the Professional Learning tab of the dash
- PlayPosit's Kaltura integration now supports pasting in urls from an institution's Kaltura MediaSpace site
- Removed the designer initialization screen in favor of other video stream initialization logic
- PlayPosit now supports adding interactivity to videos hosted by YuJa (available to institutional clients only)
- PlayPosit player now supports showing Next/Continue buttons on reflective pause hotspot questions
- Fixed issue causing the "Next Bulb" toast to continue displaying on a playlist even after the viewer had manually navigated to the next bulb in the playlist
- Learner names now update in PlayPosit when they have been updated in the LMS, after a learner launches a PlayPosit bulb.
- Admins of child schools now have access to treeview in the admin media library, and treeview is not available to all admins. See more information in this article
- PlayPosit now supports SAML authentication for player links. Please contact your account manager to learn more
- PlayPosit now supports pushing assignments to Google Classroom (currently available to institutional clients only, contact your Account Manager to learn more)
- Updated the admin snapshot to show how many minutes of HLS video have been uploaded for all time
August 2021
- Added a Partner Resources link to the instructor dash sidebar for institutional clients
- All users who are part of an institutional license now have access to My Interactions (read more in this help article)
- Learners are now able to resume playback from their furthest-watched point when re-launching a bulb that they had previously viewed. (Does not apply to any bulbs that contain YouTube videos, read more in this help article)
- Fixed issues when unlinking and relinking bulbs from Canvas classes that have multiple sections
- Added option to open the group set editor for peer review groups in a new tab when accessed from an LMS
- Made styling adjustments to the group set editor to add more usable space
- Updated the printable report so that it will not show autojump interactions
- Instructors can now add websites and CSV attachments to playlists
- Added option to Monitor a Bulb in a new tab from Classes > Bulbs
- Updated the Kaltura integration in the Designer to more accurately reflect the Kaltura user ID that PlayPosit has on file for each user
- PlayPosit has released a new opt-in version of the user profile for testing. It will continue to receive updates in the next few months
- Fixed issue causing certain designer menu items to appear below the designer's scrub bar
- Learners can now upload attachments up to 25 MB in size to free response interactions (available to institutional clients only)
- Fixed issue causing black screen to show up on learner mobile devices during broadcast mode
- Added support for password-protected Cloud Recordings to the Zoom integration
- Designer now shows transcoding status of videos uploaded to PlayPosit in My Videos
- Instructors can now save interactions as templates for greater ease of building bulbs (available to institutional clients only)
- Updated the admin media library to support filtering for playlists created within the organization
- Updated the admin snapshot to display the number of playlists created within the organization and the top 5 most engaged playlists
- Fixed issue causing instructors to only load a single page of learners at a time when building groups in PlayPosit for peer review outside of an LMS
- Fixed issue preventing people from assigning a broadcast bulb to classes imported from Clever
July 2021
- Made improvements to the playlist gradebook to display playlist scores, status, and other pieces of information
- Added a Save & Exit button to the playlist designer
- Fixed player logic to better handle overlapping caption file text tracks
- Added the ability to push reflective pause and discussion interactions to learner devices in broadcast mode
- The Designer now supports separating any interaction from a group into its own group, not just the first and last interaction in a group
- The Designer now supports click and drag events to manipulate 360 degrees YouTube video
- Fixed issue causing the graphs in Bulb Analytics to display correct answers as incorrect for certain interaction types
- Fixed issue causing some correct answers for fill-in-the-blank interactions to be marked as incorrect
- Fixed issue preventing TAs from being able to monitor a playlist
- Fixed issue causing the player sidebar to show up on the right side of the screen in broadcast mode at certain screen sizes
- Added warning modal to the "Retake Bulb" button, formerly known as the "Retry Bulb" button, to inform learners of the consequences of retaking a bulb
June 2021
May 2021
- Instructors can now view an Activity Feed that contains notifications for newly completed bulb attempts, manually-graded interaction attempts, and discussion comments (Only available to institutional clients)
- Instructors can now provide feedback on free response submissions (Available to institutional clients only, contact your account manager to learn more)
- Patched issue causing some students who joined a broadcast session late to be able to answer interactions other than the ones displayed by the instructor
- Fixed issue causing bulbs to appear out of order in the Class Overview gradebook when assigned through an LMS, instead of appearing in the order in which the bulbs were assigned
- Added option to search bulbs by tags with "Exact Matches Only" to Admin Dash media library and Premade Bulbs library
- Improved player and designer handling of invalid HLS playlists
- Patched issue where clicking Monitor from the playlist designer would fail if the playlist had not been assigned to a section yet. The Monitor button will now only appear if the playlist has been assigned to at least one section, and clicking it will show a dropdown menu containing the names of all the sections to which this playlist has been assigned
- Fixed issue causing the admin snapshot's Student Engagement and Bulbs Delivered graphs to over-count the number of hours and bulb attempts for a given time period
- Resolved issue preventing learners from starting a peer review submission when their associated accounts had been archived and then unarchived
- Resolved issue causing the bulb settings component in the Designer to require that learners submitting a peer review video to save changes even when there were no changes to be saved
- To prevent confusion, when a peer review assignment contains a rubric, the instructor will not have a Preview icon available on that peer review assignment's gradebook
- PlayPosit now supports the ability for instructors to set a bulb score completion threshold as long as a bulb is worth points and can be retried (Available to institutional clients only, contact your account manager to learn more)
- Instructors can now search through all interactions they've authored and all interactions belonging to bulbs they have permissions to when adding an interaction to a bulb in the Designer (Available to institutional clients only, contact your account manager to learn more)
- Certain institutional clients now have the ability to let their learners resume playback from their furthest-watched point. Please contact your Account Manager to learn more
- Moved player scrub bar up from previous position at bottom of page to instead appear below the video when accessed in mobile portrait mode. This solves an issue that sometimes causes dragging the playhead on the mobile scrub bar to instead trigger an iOS app switching event
April 2021
- Fixed issue causing instructors who clicked Monitor from a peer review bulb's linked grey screen in an LMS to see a regular LMB gradebook instead of a peer review gradebook
- Fixed issue causing the Submit button for a fill-in-the-blank interaction to display underneath a table in certain situations when the blanks themselves are in a table formatted with left alignment
- Pro users now have the ability to either allow or block learners from viewing their bulbs at increased playback speeds
- Added learner name to review tab of player
- Fixed issue with thumbnail images being cropped at certain iframe embed sizes
- Institutional clients now have the option to shut off bulb access to students after the assignment due date has passed for assignments made outside of an LMS. Contact your Account Manager to learn more
- Playlists can now export grades to an LMS gradebook. A Knowledge Base article will be available shortly.
- Added asterisk (*) symbol to Class Overview gradebook to indicate when students have attempted a bulb multiple times.
- Released easier and more intuitive workflow for creating a playlist. Refer to this article for more details
March 2021
- Fixed issue causing text input areas to disappear in the player when learners clicked "Use rich text" option
- Fixed issue on the admin snapshot causing engagement hours to only be counted for a time period if the class itself was created in the same time period
- Fixed issue causing instructors added through the Manual Entry tab of All Instructors tab on admin dash to not be included in the admin snapshot user count
- Fixed issues where PlayPosit groups would not show up in peer review assignments made in non-Canvas LMSs
- Fixed issue causing new users to not see the onboarding questionnaire in certain scenarios
- Increased default chunk size when uploading HLS videos to PlayPosit
- Tweaked video overlay logic in the Player to display video and sidebar interactions side-by-side at all but the smallest screen widths
- Added learner notes to printable reports
- Added commas to numeric displays on the admin snapshot
- Instructors can now attach custom messages to playlist certificates
- Fixed issue where students were prevented from creating LMBs when their accounts had been deleted
- Released new SAML certificate version for new SAML integrations
- Increased chunk size when uploading videos through one of PlayPosit's HLS hosting solutions
- Playlists tab is now visible at all times for institutional clients who have playlists included in their license, along with new Edit, Preview, Assign, Monitor, and Delete options
- Added options to "Move interaction into next group" and "Move interaction into previous group" to prevent users from having to recreate interactions when trying to add existing interactions to existing and adjacent groups of interactions
- Updated the Canvas Studio integration to only show Collections and also show users an error message when they attempt to use videos they do not own
- Updated the Organizations tab of the admin dash with new video host integration options
- Made minor UI improvements to the gradebook
- Made improvements to the peer review user experience for assignments made in non-Canvas LMSs
- Added option to search bulbs by tags with exact matches only
- Consolidated the bulb settings components used on the dash and designer
- Updated mobile player logic for detecting situations where the scrub bar could cover up the submit button on hotspot interactions
February 2021
- Added preview button to gray screen for LTI-linked playlists
- Changed pencil icon on Video Segments menu to "Edit" text string
- Instructors who are part of an institutional or enterprise license will now see a toast on My Bulbs prompting them to copy the Learner Experience bulb created by PlayPosit. This toast will only appear a maximum of 5 times per device/session
- Fixed issue causing the Print Certificate button to not appear on copied playlists
- Fixed issue with Clever Secure Sync not populating teacher accounts with sections they own in certain cases
- Fixed clipboard issue on the admin dash tables
- Added pagination to student responses in broadcast mode
- Updated the Kaltura integration to fetch videos that were added directly from YouTube
- PlayPosit now supports recording video on the Safari browser. Contact your account manager today to learn more about this video hosting option (institutional license holders only)
- Fixed issue causing "Manage Groups" button to display on LTI grey screens for linked LMBs
- Added option to Classes > Bulbs page for owners of bulbs assigned to a class to directly add co-editors and facilitators to their bulbs
- Fixed issue causing web embeds set to open PDF files to fail to load on Google Chrome
- Fixed bulb attempt completion logic issue in playlists where completing a bulb with many interactions stacked at the end, which itself was part of a playlist, sometimes failed to trigger the "Next Bulb" toast
- The rich text editor now supports formatting text with unordered lists
- PlayPosit now offers an HLS hosting solution that supports recording one's webcam/screen on Safari. Contact your account manager to learn more. (Institutional licenses only)
- Added option to open gradebook in new tab when monitoring bulbs
- Fixed issue causing Start button to disappear for instructor Broadcast player when switching between tabs
- Fixed issue allowing students to skip between stacked sidebar questions in broadcast mode
January 2021
- Fixed issue causing responses to still show up in Grade All view after students were removed from the class
- Resolved issue causing equation editor to show broken image links
- Fixed issue preventing users from recording their screen if the browser didn't detect a microphone
- Corrected discrepancy in student engagement hours between Learners tab of class folders and the associated CSV export
- Fixed issue causing MP4 uploader to freeze and not successfully upload videos
- Fixed issue causing long loading times for the profile
- Fixed issues with update events from Clever Secure Sync
- Fixed issue causing users to see a blue screen error when they delete their account without logging out, and then try to log back in or sign up for a new account
- Fixed issue with gradebook tab navigation
- Released updated workflow for fetching captions from YouTube in the Designer, whether user-uploaded or autogenerated. Users will now be asked to select the exact caption files they want to fetch from YouTube, as opposed to PlayPosit automatically fetching all available caption files
- Updated the Mediasite integration in the PlayPosit Designer to display options for viewing all content and viewing only owned content
- Added toast message to notify users when they are using an old version of PlayPosit
- Updated the designer for compliance with WCAG 2.3 AAA criteria
- Instructors can now copy QR codes from the Assign menu, and the instructor's broadcast player now can display a QR code for learners joining from mobile devices
- Fixed issue causing the play/pause indicator overlay to appear on transitions between videos in bulbs
- Instructors can now view all bulbs assigned to a class, as opposed to only bulbs they have some ownership relationship to
- Fixed issue causing broken image links in the equation editor
- Prevented users from entering hotspot position values that would cause a hotspot interaction to run off the screen
- Modified the instructor CSV uploader to more clearly state 1000 row limit
- Fixed issue causing some learners who joined a broadcast session from the Learner Dashboard to see the PlayPosit login screen
- Fixed issue preventing instructors from adding new Panopto videos (i.e. never before used in PlayPosit) to bulbs in the Designer
- Fixed UI bug that prevented captions for a YouTube video from showing as available in the captions step of the Video Segments menu immediately after adding the video to a bulb
- Fixed issues causing bulbs in the playlist gradebook to show as out of order, or return no gradebook data, when clicking on different pages of data or when searching for specific learners by name
- All members of an institutional license now has access to PlayPosit's new caption editor, which allows users to edit caption files that are uploaded to PlayPosit or manually fetched from YouTube
- Added a new Student Experience template to the Designer's Template Gallery
- Playlist branding now shows up on copied playlists
December 2020
- Added ability for instructors to enable and configure customizable playlist certificates for their playlists
- Updated player scrub bar to include Closed Caption (CC) button. Clicking it will automatically enable any available caption file
- Added emoji support to discussion forums and free response questions (certain institutional partners only)
- Updated the designer to allow for users to add alt text to equations generated by the equation editor
- Fixed an issue in the Designer that prevented users from editing equations
- Updated the caption editor to be compliant with WCAG 2.3 standard
- Updated Canvas group import feature for peer review to support importing changed group sets
- Made accessibility updates to the player when viewing a peer review bulb
- Reduced default line-height of empty text areas for student free responses
- Updated the learner dashboard for compliance with WCAG 2.3 AAA criteria
- Fixed issue causing iPads on iOS version 14.2 to not play audio
- Updated the designer for compliance with WCAG 2.3 AAA criteria
- Updated the player for compliance with WCAG 2.3 AAA criteria
- Updated the playlist designer and player to display institutional white label branding
- Fixed an issue causing certain bulbs to not copy when initiated from the admin treeview
- Fixed issue causing the playlist player to sometimes progress to the wrong bulb in a playlist
- Peer review application has been updated for compliance with WCAG 2.3 AAA criteria
- Updated profile to remove dependency on display name for making edits to admin organizational settings
- All teachers, co-teachers, and teaching assistants of a class may now view the gradebook for all bulbs assigned to a class, instead of just bulbs that appear in their My Bulbs library
- Updated the designer to show more accurate display time in all modes for durational interactions
- Streamlined and expanded PlayPosit's MediaAMP integration to work better with MPX- and Modalis-based accounts
- Revised the player stream selector's UI
- Fixed several broadcast issues affecting usability and stability
November 2020
- Fixed issue causing deleted bulbs to still appear on student dashboards
- Fixed issue causing certain audio recordings made at the exact same timestamp to be mixed up with each other
- Fixed issue causing Bulb Details to return no data on admin dash
- Added button to the Professional Learning section of the instructor dashboard for easy access to playlists
- Disabled the Activate Bulb button on My Bulbs page. To activate bulbs, please contact
- Fixed issue with playlist configuration toggle ("Do not require learner name") which caused the opposite behavior in certain cases
- Fixed ordering of playlists on playlists tab
- Implemented support for building question banks with multiple choice and check all questions. Contact your account manager if you're interested in learning more about this new application
- Fixed issue causing incorrect counting of LMB Assignments and Submissions in the All Instructors CSV export
- Implemented new gradebook view allowing instructors to view only bulbs assigned to specific playlists in the given playlist order
- Updated Kaltura integration to retrieve content owned by/shared with groups
- Fixed issue causing videos with archived video streams to fail when selected from the Designer's My Videos section
- Modified playlist logic to display better on larger resolution screens.
October 2020
- Playlist designer now supports HTML embed code toggle
- Fixed issues with designing a playlist, and progressing between bulbs in a playlist as a learner
- Updated player logic to better handle multiple transparent overlapping hotspot interactions
- Updated screen reader compatibility with discussion forum comments and replies
- Implemented support for searching uploaded 3C Media videos
- Dark mode support added for free response interactions in hotspot overlays (certain clients only)
- Fixed video resize behavior for sidebar questions in bulbs in a playlist
- Implemented learner-side support for LTI-linked playlists
- Updated logic around setting individual interaction retakes
- Optimized designer initialization
- Optimized caption reload behavior in the designer for edited caption files
- Fixed CSS styling of dual-stream content in the player
- Updated player UI for bulb attempts when log in is not required
- Implemented support for dark mode on all interaction types except Web Embed
September 2020
- Fixed screen reader accessibility issue affecting tab navigation in the player
- Released certificates of completion for PlayPosit playlists (available to certain clients only)
- PlayPosit is now compatible with Ensemble 5.5
- Fixed issue searching by Youtube URL in Premade Bulbs
- Created alternate method for members of institutional licenses to request new video host user IDs from the Designer
- Updated HLS stream logic for Kaltura integration
- Fixed issue causing uploaded videos to not display in interaction options
- Fixed issue with certain web embeds causing unexpected redirects
- Optimized calculations for the admin snapshot
- Various caption parsing fixes
- Fixed issue caused by Chrome update 85.0.4183.121 causing Canvas launches of PlayPosit from the Rich Content Editor to no longer work
August 2020
- Removed links to Classic View from Dashboard for all users
- Admin dash supports exporting filtered list of instructors from All Instructors tab
- Added support for professional development in playlists
July 2020
- Added the ability to sort interaction data
- When an admin selects an organizational privacy setting, that setting is the default privacy setting for any teacher account created within that license
- Instructors can preview private bulbs of other instructors with a direct link
June 2020
- Fixed bug which caused multiple interactions to be created when user clicked "save" before an attachment was done uploading
- Fixed bug where co-editors were unable to download data for a bulb after removing their own access to the bulb
- Fixed bug where swapping a video's source caused it to show up at the bottom of the list of video segments
- Added the ability to filter and sort interaction responses in Grade All View
- Released Table of contents interaction template for school users only
- Fixed bug where saving an interaction before an attachment had finished uploading would cause duplicate interactions to be created
- Panopto error message length now extended to 10 seconds
- Fixed bug where clicking "Manage Permissions" would sometimes show the disabled preview link tab instead of the Manage Permissions tab
- For Peer Review, importing groups now appears as part of the bulb linking flow as opposed to appearing as a button on the grey screen
- Unlocked sharing of non-LMS classes for all institutional users
- Fixed O365 SSO flow for new users
- Modified our sharing bulbs workflow
- Added advanced toggles for showing feedback for unselected correct answers (check all only) and showing feedback on the last attempt/all attempts (multiple choice and check all)
- Allow to never show the correct answer (available to certain institutional clients)
- Ability to Edit and Export Analytics from the Admin Media Library (available to certain institutional clients)
- Released better and more informative bluescreen error messages when certain parameters are missing from the URL
- Released UI changes to Most Viewed Bulbs and Most Engaged Classes in the Admin Snapshot
May 2020
- Media library tree view capability (available to certain institutional clients)
- Added ability to view the owner of the bulb if you are a co-editor or facilitator
- Click anywhere or press enter to enter into the designer
- Added the ability to resize images in the designer
- Released individual interaction graphs for check all, multiple choice, and polling survey questions.
- Fixed issue causing assignment links for bulbs containing foreign characters to not work.
- Unlocked bulb details for all clients.
April 2020
- Admin Dashboard UI improvements.
- Discussion forums now can be configured for manual or automatic grading. (available to certain institutional clients)
- Improved placeholder text for listcode name input fields.
- Correct answers in interactions can be shown only on last attempt. (available to certain institutional clients)
- Learners see feedback for unselected correct answers. (available to certain institutional clients)
- Fixed issue causing long loading times of the equation editor.
- Fixed issue preventing Next/Continue button in the player not working.
- Added support for broadcast without login and broadcast for professional development.
- Change to grade export logic will change scores sent to LMS when bulb is worth 0 points.
- Fixed issue that caused deleted bulbs to show up in Premade Bulbs/My Community.
- Fixed issue causing gradebooks to display data for students who had been removed from the class.
- Added new table of contents interaction template.
- Users are now able to upload files to interactions for download by viewers.
March 2020
- Screenreaders now read the content of reflective pauses in hotspots.
- Fast forward toggle now available on a per-bulb level.
- Set bulb link now available through LTI in Admin media libraries.
- Increased password complexity requirements.
- Grade export API route updated.
- Monitor page filtering is enabled.
- Admin dashboard snapshot accuracy upgraded.
- YouTube search improvements.
- Institutions can now decide whether or not teachers from child schools can collaborate on bulbs.
February 2020
- Individual bulb toggle for instructors to allow learners to view a printable report of their bulb attempt.
- Enhanced support for facilitator/TA LTI roles.
- Add co-owner/facilitator to a bulb.
- Added support for fetching auto-generated transcripts from Zoom.
January 2020
- Premade bulb search improvements.
- Add the same YouTube video to a bulb.
- Improved workflow for grading discussion forum.
December, 2019
- Accessibility improvements
- HLS screen recorder now also records audio.
- Released new bulb template workflow
- Limited the number of blanks for a single fill-in-the-blank interaction to 10 blanks
- Implemented new treeview UI for Zoom videos with more than one video stream
- Downtime planned starting 7 AM PT on December 25th and ending at 1 AM PT on December 26th for server upgrade and maintenance.
- Released bulb analytics gradebook graphs
- Released printable worksheets
- Updated captions to automatically fetch captions (where available) from external video hosts for Pro and Institutional clients
November, 2019
- TLS 1.1/1.0 deprecation scheduled to occur on December 1st, 2019. See October release notes for more details.
- Released review sheet feature in the player
- PlayPosit LTI integration now supports the Observer Role
- Instructors can now preview bulbs as an instructor or as a learner.
- Instructors can now control whether learners can upload videos to free response or discussion forum interactions
- The PlayPosit Designer and Player now automatically fetch captions for all videos when instructors have Pro or Institutional licenses
- PlayPosit API documentation updates
- PlayPosit Mediasite integration now supports MyMediasite view
- PlayPosit Designer now allows pasting in 3rd party HLS URLs
October, 2019
- TLS 1.1/1.0 deprecation scheduled to occur on December 1st, 2019
- Browsers or API clients connecting to PlayPosit much connect via TLS 1.2 following December 1st
- Check any systems you use to connect to PlayPosit and ensure they support TSLv1.2
- You may test your connection with PlayPosit's systems with a base url of
- Please note that after December 1st, 2019, PlayPosit will reject connections that do not meet these requirements
November, 2018
- Push support for course copy in Blackboard versions 3300 and up
- Push the addition of timezones into the Monitor page
- Push the ability to add branding to links with /listcode in them
- Push a feature that automatically clears a user’s sessions after they log out, and another user logs in
- Fix the inability for certain instructors and students to reset student data in the Monitor page, or retry bulbs
September, 2018
- Push admin zoom integration feature
- Fix reverting the refresh token
- Fix data discrepancy in the csv export
- Push the universal time elapsed format in csv exports to be HH:MM:SS
- Push the ability to start broadcast sessions from units
- Push Deeplinking on Bb Ultra enabled for versions 3400 and 3500
- Push the ability to send usage reports to specific emails in the url
- Push a refresh blocker safeguard to prevent multiple events triggering at once
- Fix the jumping Monitor page when editing questions to the right of the screen
- Fix refresh tokens after users have been away for extended periods of time.
- Fix the ability to toggle captions on and off
August, 2018
- Push pagination for the monitor page for classes with large amounts of students
- Push bulbs ignoring jump features if it is linked to a deleted video
- Push new additions to API metrics (Time watched, time in bulb, length of bulb)
- Fix jump features copying over to new bulbs
- Fix the UI for students in their dashboard (completed, incomplete, or not attempted)
July, 2018
- Fix the link redirection in the classlist from play, to play-attempt
- Fix captions to be centered and not cut off
- Fix the missing IDs from CSV exports in the excel sheet
- Fix the ability to add unique characters to the feedback box at the end of bulbs
- Push the new printable page with a more intuitive format, the completion timestamp at the top of the page, and page breaks for bulbs with many questions
- Fix the consent page to redirect to the PlayPosit home page after the user submits their info.
- Fix the CSV export to include the timestamp of when the lesson was created
- Fix the audio uploader to upload audio recordings on free response and discussion questions
- Fix the accessibility of the skip button
- Push blockers for free users after hitting their MB quota
- Push the omission of ‘spaces’ at the start and end of integration IDs on the Profile page
- Fix the ‘Unassign’ button not working
- Fix timezones to default to the eastern time zone in the csv exports
- Fix the MB counter adjusting in the Profile page, after classes have been archived
- Fix the inability to add questions at 0:00 in a bulb, whenever there were sections cropped out of the video
- Fix the screen stutter on the Monitor page when instructors tried to grade all student responses at the same time
- Push the ability to add m3u8 links to the PlayPosit designer
- Push the ability for administrators to access all MediaAMP videos from their instructors
- Push messaging to make clear that share URLs are not recommended to use through Learning Management Systems
- Push the ability to export csv with or without the completion timestamps
- Fix the Admin page load time to load in 2-3 seconds
- Fix trim error messaging
- Fix the ‘Assign’ button
- Fix duplicate bulbs being created
- Fix Panopto captions
June, 2018
- Push MediaAmp integration
- Push accessibility for the monitor and design pages
- Fix the scrolling in the share box
May, 2018
- Push the ability for users to edit the name of their user_id for integrations on the profile page.
- Push caption optimization - all srt caption files will now auto-convert to vtt files.
- Push the ability to type in trim times.
- Push ability to share PD link and auto-join to class
- Push the Zoom video integration.
- Fix Jump question types.
- Fix colors for questions with a point value of 0 to still be green if correct.
- Push improvement for fill in the blank question - the length of the space will increase with the length of the response.
- Push increased privacy options - student responses to discussion questions are only available to other users in that class
- Push closed caption compatibility with Panopto videos
- Fix Safari browser compatibility
- Push hidden discussion responses when bulbs are shared with users who are not enrolled in the class
- Push share link destinations to persist after new users create accounts.
- Push timezone specific completion timestamps in csv exports
- Fix Leaner made bulbs to allow students to save their progress, and come back to finish bulbs at a later time
- Fix monitor page grade and retry count discrepancies
April, 2018
- Push the ability to sort Premade bulbs by Instructor with one-click
- Push the ability to upload student rosters via csv in the new PlayPosit Interface
- Push the ability to reorder questions which are at the same time in a bulb
- Push the ability to drag and drop bulbs into classes and units
- Fix the length of instructor list_codes to prevent duplicates
- Fix the course selection page to direct users to the bulb after clicking on the titleFix the number of bulbs on admin dash to reflect the number of bulbs an instructor has
- Remove feedback text if no feedback is entered by instructor
- Push student data and bulb editing restrictions to Canvas users with the custom TA designation
- Push a new route for share links from Classes to bypass the class selection page
- Push the privacy setting option to restrict access to all bulbs unless the student is enrolled in the instructor’s course
- Fix the missing class join code modal
- Fix Fill in the Blank questions defaulting to the 0:00 timestamp
- Fix the bulb reset when users pressed ‘enter’ on Fill in the Blank questions
- Fix “Type here” auto-deletion after it’s clicked on when creating answer options
- Fix grade discrepancy on the Review Bulbs popout at the end of bulbs when the question point value = 0
March, 2018
- Push the default grade of ungraded questions to not select zero, and reduce number of clicks by 50%
- Push the ability to upload mp3 files
- Fix the old PlayPosit to allow students to create Learner Made bulbs
- Fix gridlines for the tables in rich text
- Fix the url web-embed type questions -- PlayPosit only supports secure (https) sites now
February, 2018
- Push a Monitor User Interface improvement by replacing the dropdown point selector with radio buttons - effectively halving the number of clicks to change scores
- Push Professional Development link sharing as a feature for PlayPosit Institutional Partners
- Push Internet Explorer compatibility for students to play bulbs, and for instructors to access and use the Monitor page
- Fix the audio uploader
- Push compatibility with D2L hosted videos.
- Push right-sidebar captions to stay open after questions have been answered
- Push core accessibility functions for the bulb Design page
- Fix and fine tune engagement hours for administrators in their dashboard
- Fix general language across PlayPosit
January, 2018
- Push the new Profile page to manage all individual instructor, and institutional, settings
- Push the professional lesson route, which allows instructors to be signed in as a student for professional development, without being logged out of their instructor account in another tab or window.
- Push new question point scale ranges to go from 0 - 10, which allows bulbs to be taken for incomplete/complete scores, rather than specific point values.
- Push the ability to generate a class-code or link for students to join a class with one-click.
- Push Accessibility improvements with orange-highlighted elements, human friendly readouts, and intuitive selection orders for the video player, and Monitor pages.
- Push general system improvements with better tooltips, hyperlinks, and vernacular.
- Push point change capabilities, privacy settings, and time stamp changes in the new Profile page.
- Fix a point sorting bug on the Monitor page
- Fix a minor Schoology grade export error
December, 2017
- Push Accessibility optimizations across Safari, Firefox, Edge, and Chrome for JAWS and NVDA accessibility readers
- Push a Chrome PlayPosit Fetch Extension optimization to record, upload, and edit screencasts faster
- Push Ensemble integration improvements to pull in all requested Ensemble videos
- Push an improvement to Strengthen the Network Bypass feature
- Push an increase in the maximum video upload size from 200MB to 1GB
- Fix broken share links for linked bulbs
- Fix Microsoft o365 SSO
November, 2017
- Push Ensemble video host integration.
- Push ability for instructors to manually change the version 1 PlayPosit tool, to version 2.
- Push co-teacher access to their own content, rather than logging in as the primary instructor.
- Fix download button for Kaltura videos.
- Fix infinite loop when manually changing the bulb link for an LMS assignment.
- Fix discussion bug
- Fix timestamps and max time for bulbs, and duplicate student data, and csv export
- Fix learners logged in as instructors after taking a learner-made bulb
October, 2017
- Push sharing permissions - instructors are able to share their bulbs with all of playposit, or only other instructors at the institution.
- Push access restrictions to include access only with a link, or access only if the user is a registered student in one of the instructor’s classes
- Push more characters displayed for the name of bulbs
- Push branding color to the Monitor page for theme consistency
- Push consistent count of student responses across Analytics, My Bulbs, Classes, and the Monitor page. All student attempts are recorded in the csv export.
- Fix csv export bug duplicating a student response
- Fix calculation error for premium limit notification in the settings menu for instructors
September, 2017
- Push all premium users to the new PlayPosit user interface
- Push the manual csv export option for all bulbs
- Fix Kaltura search to display all categories at the institutions
- Fix the disabled triple-dot menu in the Monitor, for higher resolution displays
- Fix language to more accurately reflect functions in analytics and design
August, 2017
- Push Playposit Navigation
- Push the ability for instructors to access their old content, in Playposit Navigation
- Push the ability for instructors to access their content across LMSs
- Push the ability for instructors to relaunch a CIM assignment in a copied course by clicking on the copied assignment link, in the copied course
- Push the ability for instructors to access their content, even if they change their LMS login email
- Push the ability for instructors to export grades from the main navigation screen
- Push the ability for instructors to copy, edit, and assign learner-made bulbs
- Push a new tab opens when an instructor edits or creates normal, or leaner-made, bulbs
- Push the ability for grades to automatically export in broadcast lessons
- Push the name of bulbs in the header of Nav analytics link to monitor pg3
- Push the score for bulbs with no questions will be 100% after the student watches the video
- Push the score for bulbs with questions (with no point values) will be 100% after the student watches the video
- Push the ability for students to edit their comments and replies in discussion questions
- Push the ability for co-teachers to access the primary instructor’s content, specific to the course the co-teacher supports (LTI v2)
- Push the restriction of the ability of co-teachers to edit the content of the primary instructor (LTI v2)
- Fix when users log out, it will not open a new tab
- Fix Observer accounts in Canvas to be authenticated in as students
- Fix if students are in multiple classes with the same bulb, the scores will not transfer from one class to another
- Fix if grades are disabled, no score will be shown when the student completes the bulb
- Fix errors related to the creation and display of math equations
- Fix the restriction of student access to assignments which have not been set up with a blue error screen
- Fix nomenclature for consistency and specificity
June, 2017
- Push Community dropdown menu in premade bulbs for teachers and administrators
- Push accessibility software capabilities
- Push faster API calls for the analytics table
- Push hyperlink to Monitor pg3 from analytics
- Push default My Bulbs action to "Monitor" instead of "Share"
- Fix D2L administrator authentication
- Fix Content Item Manager integration
- Fix Vimeo and Kaltura captions
- Fix premade bulb load and copy times
- Fix date format to exclude timestamps
- Fix NAV analytics (sorting, breadcrumbs, links to monitor pg3)
May, 2017
- Push multiple instructor course ownership for LTI into staging environments
- Push csv download button to export both unassigned and assigned content--does not support retry results
- Push formatted discussion export for individual questions
- Fix minor LTI bulk monitor export corner case for speed
- Fix when switching between auto-graded and ungraded question types
- Fix styled discussion replies
- Fix submit lesson at end of lesson for lessons with duration less than 10 sec
April, 2017
- Push LTI Content Item into staging environments
- Push new navigation into staging environments
- Push optimized bulk Grade Export Report with 20x improvements
- Fix LTI assign modal issues
- Update LTI troubleshooting messages with links to
March, 2017
- Increase MP4 Upload size to 300mb
- Push support for material styling table within rich question text editor from 'Table Properties'
- Push language update on submit LTI, admin and question explanation
- Push accessibility language on player answer grading
- Push exitFullscreen() on discussion questions (designed for behavior on iOS when using Canvas app)
- Push support for auto-click submit if pause Q so only 1 user click (* monitor display will now be 00:00 duration)
- Push support for Observer role in LTI
- Push consistency on terminology around LTI, with preference for LMS
- Push enhanced Kaltura streaming url support (with mp4 fallback)
- Push student-made lesson default title
- Fix broadcast end of lesson freeze
- Fix Discussion question not working on linked bulbs
February, 2017
- Push patch to fix volume controls
- Push feature to support Score View at end of lesson in Right Sidebar with Retake and manual LTI Export
- Push new Live Chat experience
- Push additional parameters for LTI universities to CSV export
- Fix Monitor Poll Edit All resulting in an error
- Fix LTI bulk export grades issue